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» » Folklore from North Sumatra

The Hanging Stone

Folklore from North Sumatra

ONCE upon a time, there lived a family near Lake Toba, North Sumatra. The parents had only one child. She was a beautiful girl. The girl was adult. The parents thought it was time to get married.
The parents planned to arrange her marriage. They have already matched her with a young man they chose. They did not know that they daughter already had a boyfriend. She loved him very much. Sadly, the parents did not agree with their relationship. They still asked her daughter to marry the man they chose.
The girl was very sad. Everyday she cried. She did not love the man her parents had already chosen for her. She only wanted to marry her boyfriend.
The time to get married was getting closer. Everyday the girl just sat near the Lake Toba. She was very hopeless. Her only friend was a dog.
The girl wanted to end her life. She wanted to jump to the Lake Toba. She was walking slowly. She approached the edge. She was very confused. She did not want to die or leave her boyfriend.
While she was thinking very hard, suddenly she slipped and fell to a big hole. The girl thought that it was time for her to die. She was surrounded by big stones. She felt the stone were getting closer to her. The stones were squeezing her.
Then she said, "Prapat... Prapat..." It means moving closer. amazingly, the stones were slowly moving closer to her. She was being squeezed!
Meanwhile, the dragon was barking. He was looking downward and keep on barking. It attracted people's attention.
They came to the dog and also looked downward. They heard a girl's voice saying, "Prapat... Prapat."
The people recognized her voice and her dog. They tried to help her. Some of them went to the girl's house. They wanted to tell her parents.
The parents immediately went to save their daughter. More and more people came. They all tried to save the girl.
Unfortunately it was too late. The stone were finally squeezing her. However, they were still able to hear voice saying, "Parapat... parapat."
Her parents were sad. They regretted their plan to marry her.
Since then people named the area as Parapat.
Time passed by. and several years later earthquake attacked the area. Stone were falling down to the lake. and when the quake stopped, people saw a big stone which looked like hanging. Actually the ctone clung to the cliff.
People said that the stone was the girl who was trapped inside the stones. Since the stone looked like hanging, so people named it as the hanging stone or Batu Gantung. ***

Dayang Bandir

Folklore from North Sumatra

Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms in North Sumatra, the Eastern Kingdom and the Western Kingdom. The Eastern King got married with the Western King's sister. Later, they had a baby girl. They named her Dayang Bandir. Seven years later, they had another child. They named him Sandean Raja.
When Sandean Raja was a kid, his father, the Eastern King died. The rule said that the king's son would be the next king. However, Sandean Raja was still a kid. He had to wait until he was adult to be the king. The elderly of the kingdom asked Uncle Kareang to be the king. Uncle Kareang was the Eastern King's younger brother.
The Eastern king had a magical sword. Uncle Kareang wanted to have the sword. Without the sword, he was only the temporary king. He was looking for the sword everywhere but he could not find it. he knew Dayang Bandir hid the sword. She wanted to give the sword to her brother, Sandean Raja, when he was adult. She wanted her brother to be the next king. Uncle Kareang was really angry. He asked the soldiers to take Dayang Bandir and Sandean Raja to the jungle.
Soldiers then tied Dayang Bandir on top of a big tree in the jungle. They would bring her down after Dayang Bandir told them where the sword was. But she never told them. Then the soldiers left Dayang Bandir and Sandean Raja alone in the jungle. Sandean Raja cried under the big tree. He could not climb the big tree. Everytime he tried to climb, he fell down. Days passed by. Dayang Bandir was getting weaker and weaker. She finally died.
Sandean Raja then left alone in the jungle. He was not really alone actually. Her sister spirit always accompanied him. They still could talk each other.
When Sandean Raja was adult, he decided to go to the Western Kingdom. The King, King Soma, was his uncle. He wanted to talk about his bad experience.
King Sorma was surprised when he met Sandean Raja. He heard that sandean Raja and Dayang Bandir died in the jungle. He was not sure that Sandean Raja was really his nephew.
If you are really my nephew, remove that big tree, said king Sorma.
Sandean Raja was a powerful man. He could remove that big tree easily.
"I have the last test. Go to that dark room. There are many girls there. Which one is my daughter?' said King Sorma.
"Don't worry, my brother, I will help you," said Dayang Bandir's spirit.
Sandean Raja then could find the King Sorma's daughter. The king then was sure that the young man was really his nephew. After that, Tandean Raja told told him about his sister and all his bad experience with Uncle Kareang. King Soma then asked his soldier to attack the Eastern Kingdom.
The Western Kingdom won the war. Sandean Raja then became the king of the kingdom. Later, her sister's spirit told him where the sword was.***


Folklore from North Sumatra

Once upon a time in Padang Bolak, North Sumatra, lived a man named Sampuraga. He lived with his mother. His father had passed away when Sampuraga was a baby. Sampuraga and his mother lived in a hut. They were poor. Sampuraga worked in his neighbor’s rice field. When they had harvest, the neighbor gave some money to Sampuraga for his work.
Sampuraga worked in the morning and went home in the afternoon. One day while he was working, his neighbor told him about a place named Mandailing.
It was a great place.
The land was fertile. There were many rich people there. Sampuraga listened to his neighbor carefully.
He really wanted to go to
Mandailing and became a rich man.
Later he told his mother about his plan. His mother was sad. She did not want to lose his only child.
But Sampuraga promised that he would go home and brought her a lot of money.
Finally Sampuraga went to Mandailing. There, he worked for a very rich merchant.
The merchant liked Sampuraga because he was diligent and honest. Soon, the merchant gave Sampuraga a lot of money. He wanted Sampuraga to have his own business.
Sampuraga was successful with his new business.
He was very rich. The merchant knew that Sampuraga could be a great merchant like him.
The merchant wanted to retire and gave his business to Sampuraga. He had a plan. He wanted Sampuraga to marry his daughter. Sampuraga agreed. Afterall, he fell in love with her. The merchant’s daughter was very beautiful.
Then the merchant set a great wedding party.
He invited many people. He wanted to hold the best wedding party for his daughter.
People started to talk about the party. They were talking about the great party and the merchant’s daughter. They said Sampuraga was very lucky. He was going to marry the most beautiful girl in Mandailing.
The news about Sampuraga’s wedding party finally arrived in his hometown,
Padang Bolak. The people there almost did not believe that Sampuraga would marry the merchant’s daughter. They also did not believe that Sampuraha could become a rich man.
However his mother believed that. “I’m sure my son is a rich man now. He already promised me that he will be a rich man,” said Sampuraga’s mother.
With great happiness, she went to Mandailing. She wanted to attend his son’s wedding party.
When she arrived at the party, Sampuraga’s mother immediately called his name.
“Sampuraga… Sampuraga…It’s me… I’m your mother.”
Sampuraga was surprised.
His wife was also surprised.
“Who is she? Is she really your mother?” asked Sampuraga’s wife.
“No! My mother is dead. This ugly and old woman is not my mother. Go away!” Sampuraga yelled at his mother.
His mother was crying. She was very sad. She knew Sampuraga had already forgotten her. She cried and cried. She prayed to God to punish him.
Suddenly, rain fell down heavily. Thunder attacked the place. People ran away to save themselves.
Soon, the party changed into a big pond.
The water was hot. Around the pond there was a big stone. It looked like a cow. There were also other ruins. People said that the stone and the ruins were from Sampuraga’s party. ***

Lundu Nipahu

Folklore from North Sumatra

ONCE upon a time, there was a prince of a kingdom. His name was Lundu Nipahu. His father, the king, had already planned Lundu Nipahu to be the next king. Unfortunately, the king’s younger brother also wanted to be the next king. He did a terrible thing. He killed the king. Before he died, the king gave Lundu Nipahu a ring. He asked Lundu Nipahu to run away and save himself.

Lundu Nipahu later hid in a jungle.

While Lundu Nipahu was resting under a big tree, a snake passed by. The snake had a frog in his mouth. The frog was screaming in pain. Lundu Nipahu was very sad to see that. He took a piece of wood then pressed it to the snake’s head. He pressed it very hard and finally the frog was able to escape.

After the frog ran away, the snake looked at Lundu Nipahu.

He was angry. Lundu Nipahu thought the snake would attack him. Amazingly, the snake was able to talk!

“Why did you do that? The frog is my lunch!?”

“I’m sorry. My father said I have to help anyone, humans or animals that need a help. I saw the frog was in pain,” said Lundu Nipahu.

“Because you have made my lunch gone, you have to replace it. Give me some fl esh in your leg.

Otherwise I will bite you!?” said the snake.

Lundu Nipahu was helpless. He took his knife and then cut his leg. He was bleeding. The snake gave him some leaves. He asked Lundu Nipahu to put the leaves on the wounds. Amazingly the bleeding stopped, and the leg was cured and back to normal.

“You are a nice kid. You obey your parents and love to help others. These are special leaves.

You can heal any illness with these leaves,” said the snake.

Lundu Nipahu thanked the snake. He then continued his journey. He kept on walking until he finally arrived in another kingdom. There he heard that the princess was ill. She was very weak and always stayed in her bed. Lundu Nipahu wanted to heal the princess. When he arrived at the palace, he told the king that he wanted to heal the princess. The king gave him the permission.

Lundu Nipahu put the leaves on the princess’s forehead. Amazingly, the princess was healed.

She was able to walk!

The king was happy. He asked Lundu Nipahu to marry his daughter. After se veral years lived in the pa lace, Lundu Nipahu wanted to go home.

The king agreed. He gave Lundu Nipahu a big ship and some soldiers. Lundu Nipahu was ready to attack his uncle.

While the ship was sailing, accidentally Lundu Nipahu’s ring fell down to the river.

Lundu Nipahu was sad. The ring was the proof that he was the prince of the kingdom. While he was thinking of the ring, a frog jumped out of the river. It was the frog he helped! The frog opened his mouth. The ring was inside his mouth! Lundu Nipahu was very happy. He continued his mission.

Finally he arrived at home, the palace. He immediately looked for his uncle. He was not around. After that Lundu Nipahu went to his uncle’s room. He was surprised. His uncle was dead. Next to him, there was a snake. It was the snake that gave him the special leaves.

Lundu Nipahu made an announcement. He was the prince. And he showed them his father’s ring.

Everybody believed him. After all, they hated his uncle very much. He was a terrible king. Lundu

Nipahu then became the king. He and his wife lived happily.***

Wa Lancar

Folklore from North Sumatra

WA Lancar was a poor young man. However he always wanted to study hard. He did not have enough money to go to a teacher.
Fortunately he met a kind teacher. He was willing to teach Wa Lancar. For a return, he asked Wa Lancar to help him in the rice field. Wa Lancar agreed.
The teacher taught him everything.
After several years, the teacher thought it was enough for Wa Lancar as his student.
Before Wa Lancar left, the teacher gave him one advice. “If you are hungry don’t eat immediately, Just wait.”
Wa Lancar then left. He still wanted to study. He met the second teacher. Like the first teacher,
Wa Lancar also did not have to pay. He was just asked to help the teacher in the rice field. Wa
Lancar studied for several years and the teacher asked him to leave. He also gave advice to Wa Lancar. “When you are tired walking, stop and get some rest.”
Wa Lancar still not satisfied. He met the third teacher. Again, he did not have to pay some money.
He was also asked to help the teacher in the rice field. Later, it was time for him to leave. Again, the third teacher gave him an advice. “Get a stone and a knife,
and then grind the knife.”
Wa Lancar was very thankful.
He wanted to help all the poor kids. He then taught them. At first, he just had few students, after that he had more and more students. And that made another
teacher jealous.
The jealous teacher went to the palace and told the king that Wa Lancar taught bad lessons to the children. The king was angry. He punished Wa Lancar.
The punishment was Wa Lancar had to marry the king’s daughter. Wa Lancar was scared. It was because any man who married the king’s daughter, would die mysteriously.
At the wedding reception, the guests were served with delicious foods. The jealous teacher gave Wa Lancar food.
Wa Lancar remembered his first teacher’s advice, not to eat immediately when he was hungry. Wa Lancar refused the food. However the man next to him ate the food. Not long after that, the man suffered stomachache terribly. Later the man died. Apparently, the food was poisoned.
In the following morning, the jealous teacher told Wa Lancar that the king asked Wa Lancar to give the king a black stone from the hill. Wa Lancar went with some soldiers. After several
hours walking, Wa Lancar was tired. He remembered his second teacher’s advice, to stop and get some rest if he was tired walking.
Wa Lancar told the soldiers to walk first. Wa Lancar was lucky.
The soldiers were trapped in a big hole. Wa Lancar then took the b l a c k stone and
brought it to the palace.
When he arrived at the palace, Wa Lancar wanted to sleep.
Suddenly he remembered his third teacher’s advice, to grind a knife with a stone.
Wa Lancar took a knife and ground it with the black stone.
After he was finished, he went to bed. He saw a centipede on the bed! He killed the centipede with his knife. His wife woke up. She heard all the noise. She was surprised to see a dead centipede on the bed.
Wa Lancar told his wife everything. He was sure that all the bad things happened because of the jealous teacher.
His wife immediately told his father, the king, all the bad things. The king asked the jealous teacher if it was true. The jealous teacher could not do anything. He told everything and confessed his mistakes. The king then punished the jealous teacher. ***

The Princess of Snake

Folklore from North Sumatra

ONCE upon a time in Simalungun, North Sumatra, there was a king with her beautiful daughter.
The princess was famous. Many young men admired her beauty.
One of the young men who fell in love with her was a prince from the neighboring kingdom. The prince came to Simalungun and talked to the king. He wanted to propose the princess.
Later, the king talked to his daughter about the wedding proposal. The princess was a very kind daughter. She did not want to disappoint her parents.S
he knew her parents wanted her to accept the prince s wedding proposal.
The king and the queen were happy.They were glad that finally their daughter planned to get married.
Then, a wedding ceremony was prepared. Everybody in the kingdom was busy. They all wanted to contribute to the wedding.
The princess was also busy preparing herself. One thing that she had to do was she had to take care of her body carefully. She wanted to look very beautiful during the wedding ceremony.
As always, the princess and her ladies-in-waiting were taking a bath in the pond inside the palace garden.The princess was so happy and she was playing around inside the pond. She was not careful and she accidentally slipped.Her nose hit a big stone and got bleeding. The ladies in-waiting immediately helped her. When they could stop the bleeding, they were surprised. The princess nose was no longer beautiful.When the princess knew what happened, she was very sad. She was afraid that the prince would cancel the wedding.And if that really happened, the king would be very angry. The prince was very sorry, she was not careful in the pond.
However, it was too late. There was no use for her to regret what had happened.
The princess then prayed to God.I am not a good child, God. I cannot make my parents proud of me.
Please punish me. I cannot live anymore. I don t want to see my parents being sad just because of me, prayed the princess.Amazingly, right after the princess finished praying, the princess slowly changed into a snake. It started from her legs and slowly to the upper body also changed.
The ladies-in-waiting were shocked.
They went to the palace and reported to the king. When the king and the queen arrived at the pond, the princess had completely changed into a snake. The king and the queen were sad. They saw their only daughter had changed into a snake. The snake also looked very sad but she could not speak anymore.Slowly, the snake went to the bushes and disappeared. The snake could not live in the palace anymore and could not change back as a human anymore. After all, that was her prayer to God. ***

The Legend of Kantan Island

Folklore from North Sumatra

ONCE upon a time in Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra lived an old widow with her son named Kantan. Her husband passed away when Kantan was a baby. They lived in a village not far from a jungle.
They were poor.
One night, Kantan’s mother had a dream. An old man came to her and asked her to go to the jungle. Under the big tree, the old man asked her to dig a hole. She would a find something very valuable.
Kantan’s mother knew it was not just a dream. So, she asked Kantan to go to the jungle with her. When they found a big tree, Kantan dug a hole. Later, they found a box. When they opened it, they saw a golden stick. It was very beautiful.
“Mother, we have to sell this. We will be very rich!” said Kantan.
“You are right. The golden stick is so beautiful. I’m sure someone is willing to pay with a lot of money. But who is going to buy this stick? All our neighbours are poor.”
“Don’t worry, mother. I will go to the other island to sell it. I will find a very rich man to buy this golden stick,” said Kantan.
Later, Kantan sailed the sea to go to Malaka Island. When he arrived there, Kantan offered the stick to merchants.
But they could not pay him. Kantan asked them to pay with a lot of money.
The news spread very fast. Everybody in Malaka knew that Kantan had a beautiful golden stick. The king also heard that. He asked his soldiers to take Kantan to go his palace. The king wanted to see the stick.
“You are right. The stick is very beautiful,” said the king after Kantan showed him the stick. The king then continued, “I want to have this stick. But I will not give you a lot of money. I will ask you to marry my daughter. You can stay here in the palace and later you can be the king to replace me,” said the king.
Kantan immediately agreed. Not long after that, they got married and stayed in the palace. Kantan was very happy and started to forget about his mother in the village.
In the meantime, Kantan’s wife always asked him about his mother. His wife really wanted to meet her mother-in-law. Kantan agreed. With a big ship, they sailed to Kantan’s hometown. When they arrived, all the villagers were surprised to see Kantan.
He was a prince! They then told everyone about Kantan. Finally,
Kantan’s mother heard the news. She was very happy. When she arrived at the ship, she immediately called Kantan’s name.
“Kantan! Kantan! It’s me, I’m your mother.”
But Kantan ignored her. He was ashamed with his mother. She was an old woman and wore ragged clothes.
When his wife asked, Kantan just said she was a crazy woman pretending to be his mother.
Kantan’s mother was very sad. She prayed to God. Suddenly, a big storm attacked! Big waves swallowed Kantan’s big ship. When the storm was gone, slowly an island appeared. Since then, people named the island as Kantan Island.***

Glutinous Rice

A Folktale from North Sumatra

Olih and her mother live in a village in North Sumatra. They are poor. Their neighbors love them because they are kind and always help other people.
In the evening, seven old women come to Olih’s house. Those women look dirty, and they are wearing ragged clothes. They are also very hungry.
“Good evening. We are hungry. Could you please give us some food?” ask one of the old women.
“Don’t worry, Ma’am. We have some food for you. Just wait for a moment.” Olih then goes to his house. He opens the cupboard then takes some food. A moment later he gives the food to those old women.
“Thank you very much, Kid. It’s very kind of you. We are also very tired. Would you let us stay here to spend the night? Nobody wants to let us stay in their house. We are strangers here, we have no place to go.”
“Don’t worry. You all can stay here,”says Olih’s mother.
“Thank you very mich. You two are very kind to us.”
In the morning, those seven old women are still sleeping. Olih’s mother asks Olih to wake them up to have breakfast.
Suddenly Olih screams! “Mom! Come here!!!”
Olih’s mother then runs to the bedroom. She finds the room full of rice. The old women are gone. But there is one beautiful girl sitting on the bed.
“Don’t be afraid. I am one of the women. My father sent me here. He has a great super natural power. He changed me into an old woman and ask me to deliver this special rice to a family that helped me, “says the girl.
Olih and her mother are very happy. Now they have enough rice to eat. They also share the rice to the neighbors. The rice is so delicious. They call it beras pulut or glutinous rice, it means sticky and delicious rice. ***

The Story of Sugar Palm Tree

Folklore from North Sumatra

A husband and a wife lived happily in a village. They had two children a son and a daughter. The son’s name was Tare Iluh and the daughter’s name was Beru Sibou. Their happy life ended when their father died. Since then their mother worked hard for them. She worked so hard that it made her suffer from a terrible illness. Their mother then died. Later, Tare Iluh and Beru Sibou stayed at their uncle’s house.
Days passed by and those kids have grown into adults. Tare Iluh decided to find a job in another village.
He then left his sister and his uncle.
Tare Iluh wanted to make money in a short time. He thought gambling was the answer. He gambled using the money his uncle gave him. At first he won some money. He was so happy and used all the money. Sadly, he lost. All the money he had was gone. He was upset. After that he borrowed money from the villagers, he lost again and he borrowed some money again. He kept on borrowing some money until he had a lot of debts.
When the villagers asked him to pay the debt, Tare Iluh could not pay them.
He did not have any money. The villagers were angry. They put him in the jail!
In the mean time, Beru Sibou was waiting for his brother. She was worried because he had not given her any news. Finally she heard that his brother was in the jail. She rushed to go and wanted to meet her brother.
Beru Sibou did not know the way to the village. She was lost in a jungle.
She met an old man and asked about his brother. The old man knew that there was a man in the jail because of gambling. He then suggested Beru Sibou to climb a high tree and sang a song about his brother. His brother might hear her song.
Beru Sibou then climbed a high tree. She sang a song about his brother. She sang and screamed his brother’s name.
“My brother Tare Iluh? Where are you? The villagers, please release my brother.”
Nobody listened to the song and that made Beru Sibou frustrated.
She then prayed to God.
“God, I’m willing to pay my brother’s debts. I will pay with my tears, my hair, and all parts of my body can be used by the villagers. But please free my brother.”
Right after she finished praying, heavy storm attacked. And slowly Beru Sibou changed into a tree. It was just not an ordinary tree. All parts of tree were useful. Her tears changed into sweet water. Her hair changed into very strong leaves. People can use them as roof of their houses. The fruits of the tree named kolang kaling are very delicious. People name it as sugar palm tree or pohon enau. People in other villages name it as pohon aren. ***

The Story of Kelana Sakti

Folklore from North Sumatra

ONCE upon a time in North Sumatra, there was a kingdom named Purnama. The king was King Indra Sakti. He was a wise king. All of his people lived prosperous and happy. The king and the queen had a baby boy. He was the prince of the palace.
In Purnama kingdom, there was a small village. Kelana Sakti and his parents lived there. Kelana Sakti was a nice boy. He was diligent and always helped his parents.
One day, there was a bad news from the kingdom. King Indra Sakti was terribly ill. All the palace healers tried to heal him but did not succeed. The King was getting weaker and weaker everyday. So, he called all his family and the palace commander, Panglima Badau to meet him.
“My wife, please forgive all my mistakes. I cannot live any longer. Please take care of our son. Make him the king when he is adult,” said the king to the queen.
Then he continued, “Panglima Badau, I trust this kingdom to you. You are the king until my son is adult. Please train him and teach him how to be a good king.
” Not long after that, King Indra Sakti died. Panglima Badau then became the king. He really enjoyed his time as a king. He often had parties and neglected the people.
Soon, the kingdom was in a mess and the king only had fun in his parties. To pay all his parties, Panglima Badau asked his people to pay expensive taxes. Soldiers went to people’s house to collect the money, and that was including Kelana Sakti’s house.
“Give me your money! You have to pay the tax!” said a soldier.
“I’m sorry. I don’t have enough money. I have spent my money to buy some food,” said Kelana Sakti’s father.
“You are a liar!” The soldier then brought Kelana Sakti’s parents to the palace. Punishment for people who refused paying the taxes was sent to jail!
“Please don’t take my parents away!” said Kelana Sakti. A soldier was angry at him and hit him. Kelana Sakti was unconscious.
When he was awake, he was inside an old man’s house.
“Where am I? Where are my parents?”
“Don’t worry. You are in my house. You are safe here. Your parents are in the palace. The king sent them to the jail,” said the old man.
Since then, Kelana Sakti lived with the old man. He learned many things from him, especially martial arts.
When Kelana Sakti was adult, he completely changed. He was a man with great skills of martial arts. It was time for him to go to the palace and freed his parents. The old man gave him the blessings and asked him to be careful.
So, Kelana Sakti fought bravely against the soldiers. He won. Then the last one was fighting against Panglima Badau himself. Again he won the fight and freed everybody in jail. Then he sent Panglima Badau to the jail. The prince was so thankful to Kelana Sakti. The prince then asked Kelana Sakti to be the palace commander.

Nai Manggale

Nai Manggale
Folklore from North Sumatra

Once upon a time, there lived a famous sculpture in Tapanuli, North Sumatra. His name was Datu Panggana. He could carve wood into many things. One day, he got an inspiration to carve a wood into a statue of a beautiful woman. Then, he put the statue in front of his house. It was not finished yet. The statue still had any clothes yet. Later, a young merchant passed by in front of Datu PangganaÕs house. His name was Bao Partigatiga. He sold jewelleries and clothes. He was very impressed by the beauty of the statue.
"She would be more beautiful by wearing my clothes," said Bao Partigatiga. He then put on the clothes he wanted to sell on the statue. Bao Partigatiga was very pleased now. The statue looked like a real human. Then he left Datu Panggana's house. After that, a priest and his wife passed by. They were also impressed by the beauty of the statue. "I want to pray to God to make her live like a real human. I want to make her as our daughter," said the priest to his wife. The couple had any children yet. Their dream came true. The statue had changed into a very beautiful girl. The priest and his wife then took the girl home. They named her Nai Manggale. The news about Nai Manggale spread very fast. All the villagers came to the priest's house to see Nai Manggale. Among them were Datu Panggana and Bao Partigatiga. Datu Panggana said, "She has to stay in my house. The statue was mine." But, Bao Partigatiga also claimed the same thing. "She is wearing my clothes. So, she has to stay in my house." The priest did not want to lose Nai Manggale. "Remember, I am the one who made her live like a human. So, she stays here." Those three men then were busy arguing. They claimed to have the rights of Nai Manggale. To calm them, an elderly of the village gave a solution. His name was Aji Bahir. "You all can have her and have a relationship with her. Datu Panggana, you are her uncle. Bao Partigatiga, you are her brother. And you the priest, you are her father."The three men accepted Aji Bahir's advice. And now they were happy because they all could ask her to stay in their houses. Besides that, now those three men were related. ***

Lau Kawar

Lau Kawar
Folklore from North Sumatra

IT was a beautiful day. Everybody in Kawar village was happy. The farmers just had their best harvest. All the barns were full of rice. The villagers were planning to hold a party to celebrate the good harvest. On one beautiful day, all the villagers gathered in a field. They wore beautiful dresses and made delicious food. Everybody was having good times! They were singing, laughing, and of course, eating delicious food. Did everyone go to the party? Unfortunately, there was one old woman still stayed at her house. She is too old and weak to go to the party. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren all went to the party. At home, the old woman felt very sad and lonely. She was very hungry too. But when she tried to find some food in the kitchen, she was very sad. Her daughter-in-law did not cook that day. At the party, the son asked her wife, "Why don't you take some food from the party and give it for my mom. Ask our son to deliver it." Then the little boy brought the food to her grandmother. The old woman was so happy. But her happiness turned into sadness when she saw the food was not in the good condition. It seemed that someone has eaten the food. It just had little rice. The fish just had the bones. Then, old woman cried and cried. She was very sad. She thought bad things about her son. She thought that her son neglected her. The old woman did not know that it was her grandson who ate the food. He did that on the way from the party to the house. But it was too late. The old woman was so sad and angry. She cursed her son. Then, an incredible thing happened. There was a great earthquake! Thunder struck the village. And heavy rain started to fall. All the villagers were so scared. They wanted to save themselves. They tried to find shelters. Slowly, the field turned into a lake. The lake was getting bigger and bigger and finally the whole village turned into a big lake. People then named the lake into Lau Kawar. (*)

Siranggir the Cow

Siranggir the Cow
Folklore from North Sumatra

SIRANGGIR was a cow. She had some children. Everyday they went to a field to eat some grass with their owner, Aji Tonggal. He was a young man and he loved his cows very much. He even could talk with them.
Aji Tonggal and his parents build a new house for them. The people had a tradition. Before a family stayed in their new house, they had to sacrifice a cow. So, the father asked Aji Tonggal to sacrifice the biggest cow they had. And it was Siranggir, the mother cow.
Siranggir was very sad. But Aji Tonggal had to listen and obey his parents. So, he went to Siranggir and explained what happened. Siranggir knew about the tradition, and he also knew that sooner or later she would also be sacrificed.
"Don't worry, Aji Tonggal. I'm ready to be sacrificed. Please promise that you will always take care of my kids after I have gone. And I have a request. Give me time to talk to my children. I want to say good bye to them," said Siranggir.
All the children were very sad. They did not want to lose their mother. They understood about the tradition after their mother explained it to them.
Then, it was time for the ceremony. Aji Tonggal did not have the heart to kill his beloved cow. He asked somebody else to do that. After Siranggir was killed, Aji Tonggal's parents shared the meat to the neighbours. The family still kept Siranggir's head. The head was hung in the kitchen.
Several days after the ceremony, a strange thing happened to the family. Every morning, the family went to the field and when they arrived home in the afternoon, they always had food in the kitchen. The food was enough for the whole family.
Aji Tonggal was really curious. One day, he went home earlier. He saw a beautiful girl was cooking in the kitchen. Slowly he walked towards the girl, and grabbed her hand.
"Please let me go. I will explain everything. I am Siranggir. Even though I'm dead, I still want to dedicate my life to you. That's why I transformed my life into a girl," said the girl.
Aji Tonggal was surprised. He then looked for Siranggir's head in the kitchen. But he could not find it. Then he believed that Siranggir's head had already transformed into a young girl.
Aji Tonggal then fell in love with the girl. After that, he talked to his parents. He wanted to marry the girl. The parents agreed. Once again the family had a ceremony. This time, it was ceremony for their marriage. ***[link]

Raja Omas

Folklore from North Sumatra

IN Simalungun, North Sumatra, there was a king with six wives. Although the king had six wives, he did not have a child yet. Therefore, he decided to marry another woman. His seventh wife gave him a son.
The king named him Raja Omas. The other six wives were jealous. The king only loved his seventh wife and the baby. Those six wives had a bad plan. They got rid of the baby by putting him in a big pumpkin and let it drift in a river.
On the following day, an old woman was washing her clothes on the river. She heard a baby crying. She was surprised to see ababy boy inside a pumpkin and brought him home.
The old woman took good care of Raja Omas until he became a handsome and diligent man. To help the old woman, Raja Omas opened a coffee shop. He also provided tuak, a traditional drink. His tuak was very delicious. Many people came to his coffee shop to drink his tuak.
In the mean time, the king was ill. He only could be cured by drinking a very delicious tuak. He heard that there was a young man sold delicious tuak. So, the king went there. Right after the king met Raja Omas, the king knew that Raja Omas was his son. Raja Omas said, "It is impossible, Your Majesty. I have a mother. She is inside." But then, the old woman told the truth. Raja Omas was not her son. She found Raja Omas in the river.
Later the king brought him in the palace. After that, the king asked Raja Omas to get married. So, Raja Omas decided to visit the villages to find the right woman. When he arrived in a big lake, he saw some women were taking a bath.
He stole one cloth. He did not know that those women were angels from heaven. Because her cloth was stolen, one angel could not fly to go back to the heaven. She was sad. Raja Omas then asked the angel to marry him. Then they got married and had a baby boy. However, the angel found her cloth. She was so happy, now she could fly to the heaven Right before she flew, she wanted to grab her son. But Raja Omas moved very fast. He wanted his son to stay with him and did not go to heaven.
The angel was angry. She turned into saringgon, a typhoon. To protect his son, Raja Omas covered the baby with some smelly ingredients. The angel hated smelly ingredients. Since then, mothers in Simalungun also covered their babies with some smelly ingredients every time they hear saringgon. They are afraid that saringgon would take their babies away. ***

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