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» » Folklore from North Sulawesi


Folklore from North Sulawesi

ONCE upon a time there were a handsome hunter, his name was Lawongo. In the jungle he only hunted wild hogs. The animals often always destroyed the villagers' fields. The villagers were very grateful. With Lawongo's help, their field were safe from the wild hogs.
Lawongo was also very great in playing a flute, it was so melodious. Everybody always enjoyed listening his playing the flute. One of the people was a beautiful girl. She always listened attentively. Lawongo knew there was a beautiful girl who always paid attention to him. Lawongo fell in love with her. The girl also loved him, later they got married.
They were very happy. They loved each other and promised to be always together. They would be together until they died.
In one night, Lawongo had a strange dream. In his dream he was hunting a very big wild hog. The hog attacked him. He did very hard to kill the hog. He used his knife to stab the hog and it finally died.
On the next morning, Lawongo went hunting. It was still early in the morning and he did not want to wake his wife up.
In the jungle ha did not see any animals. He could not find any wild hog either. He felt very strange. He walk and he felt very thirsty. He picked a coconut. And when he wanted to open it using his knife, he saw his knife was full of dried blood. He was confused. Suddenly he remembered his wife. Somehow he had a bad feeling about his wife. He immediately went home.
When he arrived home, many people were in front of his house. One of the people said,"We're sorry for your wife, Lawongo. Please accept our condolences."
"What happened?" asked him. He rushed into his house. He saw his wife was dead. Her body was full of blood. Lawongo was very sad. He felt very guilty. He knew last night he stabbed hi wife. He then told the villagers to do something.
"I cannot live without my wife. Please prepare two coffins, one for me and the other one is for my wife."
"No, please don't do it. You are still young and we still need you here. Besides that we still want to hear you play the flute." said one of the villagers.
"Don't worry, I still play the flute for you. Male a hole on the coffin's cover. If you cannot longer hear my playing, it means I'm dead. You go to the beach. A strange thing will appear from the sea. Do not point at that thing and do not say anything. It is my reincarnation." said Lawongo.
Later, the villagers buried the two coffins. At the first night, they could still hear his playing. However the sound was getting weaker and weaker. And finally the villagers did not hear anything.
They did Lawongo's request. They went to the beach. They all set down on the beach. Suddenly, a strange thing appeared from the sea. It was very big. They all were surprised. However they did not say anything. The thing finally stooped growing.
The villagers used their sampan and came to the thing. It was a coral island. They named the island as Napombalu, which is from the words Napo and Nawalu. Napo means a coral island and Nawalu means a strange thing which turn into an island. ***

The Legend of Moopoo Bird

Folklore from North Sulawesi

A long time a go in Minahasa lived an old man with his grandson. The grandson’s name was Nondo. The old man loved Nondo very much.
He was a nice and diligent boy. When his grandfather went to the jungle to collect some fire woods, Nondo stayed at home. He always did the household chores.
Nondo always wanted to join his grandfather to the jungle. However, his grandfather did not allow him. Nondo was limped. He could not walk well.
His grandfather always went to jungle in the morning and returned home in the afternoon. In the evening, just before bedtime, the grandfather always told Nondo anything that happened in
the jungle.
Nondo really enjoyed listening about the animals in the jungle. Nondo always dreamed of going to the jungle and seeing the animals.
On one morning, Nondo could not hold his feeling anymore. He begged to his grandfather.
He really wanted to go to the jungle and see the animals.
“Please, Grandpa. Let me join you. Just this time, please,” Nondo begged. The old man did not want to disappoint his beloved grandson.
After thinking deeply, he then said, “You can join me this time. But you have to be near me, okay? I will bring the woods, so I cannot see you all the time.”
Nondo was so happy. He promised to his grandfather that he would always be near him.
Nondo could not wait to see the animals.
Then, they left the house. And finally they arrived at the jungle. At fi rst, Nondo was able to walk near his grandfather.
However soon, the distance was getting farther.
Every time Nondo saw an animal, he always stopped for a moment. He was really amazed. The grandfather always reminded Nondo not to stop walking. Sadly, Nondo was so happy looking at the animals. He ignored his grandfather’s warning.
Soon, Nondo was lost in the jungle. He was separated from his grandfather.
“Grandpa! Grandpa! Where are you? Grandpa, don’t leave me here,” Nondo screamed.
Slowly, darkness covers the forest. Nondo was really scared. The sounds of the animals really frightened him. He kept on calling his grandfather.
Meanwhile, the grandfather just realized that his grandson was lost. He looked for Nondo and called out his name. But still he could not find Nondo.
The grandfather was really sad. He regretted to let Nondo join him. The grandfather decided to go back home. He hoped Nondo would already arrive at home. Unfortunately, Nondo did not come home yet.
In the morning, the grandfather went to the jungle again. He wanted to fi nd Nondo. And when he arrived in the jungle, he saw a bird.
The bird made a strange sound. It said, “Moo poo... Moo po...”
The grandfather was really curious. He never heard a bird make a sound like that. He looked at the bird carefully, and again the bird said, “Moo poo...”
Then he felt very strange. He felt that the bird said, “Opoku... Opoku...” It means “My grandpa... My grandpa...” Being really curious, he approached the bird. He was very surprised because the bird was limped.
The grandfather cried. He remembered his grandson. He was sure that his grandson had changed into a bird. Since then, people named the bird as Moopoo bird. It can be found in
Minahasa, North Sulawesi. ***

Abo and The Giant

Folklore from North Sulawesi

ABO Mamongkuroit and his wife, Monondeaga, lived in a jungle. Even though they were poor, they lived very happy. They loved each other. One day Abo had to go the village. He asked his wife permission.
"Don't go too long. Please come back soon," said Monondeaga.
Abo then left their house. Actually, he did not want to leave his wife alone, he had heard the Tulap was hungry. Tulap was a giant. He ates humans!
Not long after Abo left, Monondeaga heard heavy footsteps. She then remembered Abo's message. She had to hide under the bed. But it was too late. Suddenly, Tulap was breaking the front door.
"Ha ha ha... Come here. I want to take you to my place," said Tulap.
Monondeaga was so scared. However, she finally had an idea.
"Don't take me now. I haven't taken a bath yet. Come back tomorrow."
On the following day, Tulap was impatient. "I don't want to hear your excuses again!"
He then grabbed Monondeaga and took her to his place.
Later, Abo went home. He called out his wife's name. But he could not find her. He then had a bad feeling. He was afraid that Tulap had taken her. He immediately rushed to Tulap place.
After several days, he finally arrived at Tulap's place. It was a big cave.
"Tulap! Get out! Bring back my wife!" screamed Abo.
Tulap then got out from his cave. He was so happy because there was a human came to his cave. He did not have to hunt him.
Abo was ready with his weapons and he immediately attacked him. Tulap was not ready with the attack. He though Abo did not have any guts to fight him.
Abo did very hard to kill Tulap. Finally, he succeeded. Tulap was dead! Abo hurried entering Tulap's cave. He saw many people were inside the big cage. One of them was his beloved wife, Monondeaga.
Abo immediately opened yhe cage. Everybody inside the cage was so happy. They thanked Abo for his great courage. Abo and Monondeaga then went home. Now people could live peacefully. The giant was dead. ***

Sigarlaki and Limbat

Folklore from North Sulawesi

A long time ago in Tondonao, there lived a great hunter. His name was Sigarlaki. He was very skillful with his spear. He used his spear to hunt animals in the jungle. He was a very famous hunter. Every time he hunts in the jungle, he always went home with some animals.
Sigarlaki had a servant. His name was Limbat. Sigarlaki was very lucky; Limbat was always loyal to him. Everywhere Sigarlaki went hunting, Limbat was always next to him. As always, in one beautiful morning, Sigarlaki and Limbat went to the jungle to hunt some animals.
Sigarlaki prepared his great weapon, the spear. But, today was not his lucky day. They have looke for animals for several hours. For the first time in his life, Sigarlaki was not able to bring home an animal. Sigarlaki became angrier when Limbat told him that their food at home was stolen. Sigarlaki accused Limbat stealin the food.
Limbat was sad. He never thought that his master would accuse him as a thief. Then Sigarlaki asked Limbat to prove that he is innocent. Sigarlaki would throw his spear to a big pond. At the same time, Limbat had to jump also to the big pond. If the spear would com out from the water earlier than Limbat, it meant that Limbat was innocent; he did not steal the food.
However, if Limbat came out earlier than the spear, so he was guilty. That strange rule made Limbat very sad. But he really wanted to prove that he was not guilty. So he directly jumped to the pond when Sigarlaki threw his spear. But, when the spear reached the bottom of the pond, Sigarlaki saw a wild pig near the pond.
He immediately jumped to the pond and took his spear. Just before Sigarlaki was ready to throw his spear, the pig was gone. That automatically made Limbat innocent. The spear came out earlier than he was. Sigarlaki did not want to admit that. So he asked for the second chance. Just before he was ready to throw his spear, suddenly a big crab bit him.
"Ouch! That's hurts!" Sigarlaki was screaming in pain. Seeing this, Limbat came to his master and helped him. Sigarlaki was ashamed. He already accused Limbat, instead Limbat helped him. He knew he got the punishment. A big crab bit him! ***

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