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» » Folklore from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Putri Bungsu and the Dragons

Folklore from Aceh

ONCE upon a time, there were two dragons lived in Aceh. The dragons were male and female, they were husband and wife. The dragons really wanted to have a child. They always prayed to God to give them a child.
One day the dragons were resting at the river side. Suddenly they saw a baby beside a basket. The basket was drifting by the current of the water.
"Myn husband, look! There is a human baby inside the basket. Let's save the baby!" said the mother dragon.
The father dragon immediately swam fast. He brought the baby to the side.
She was a baby girl. The dragons were very happy. They had a child. Although the baby was a human child, the dragons really loved her. They named her Putri Bungsu.
Days passed by, Putri Bungsu was adult. She was very beautiful. The dragons always took care of her. They also always protected her.
In mean time, putri Bungsu real parents were looking for her.
In the mean time, Putri Bungsu real parents were looking for her. There was an incident and accidentally Putri Bungsu was drifting in the river.
After years looking for her, Putri Bungsu's real parents finally found her.
"My child, thank God we finally found you. You are our daughter. We know it from the mark in your hand," said the mother.
The dragons were angry! they said Putri Bunsu was their daugter. "No! She is our daughter! We have raised her since she was a baby. We loved her and she loved us," said the mother dragon.
Putri Bungsu's real parents and the dragons were arguing. They each claimed to be Putri's Bungsu's parents and they asked Putri bungsu to stay with them.
They were arguing and they did not get any solutions. Putri Bungsu's real parents asked for help. They asked Tuan Tapa to help them. Tuan Tapa was a holy man. He also had supernatural power.
Tuan Tapa then asked the dragons to let Putri Bungsu leave and stay with her real parents. The dragons were angry. They asked Tuan Tapa not to interfere.
Tuan Tapa realized that the dragons could not negotiate. Therefore Tuan Tapa challenged them to fight.
"If you win, you can keep her. However you have to let her go and stay with her real parents if you both lose the fight," said Tuan Tapa.
"Ha ha ha...No problem! We will win the fight!"
Then Tuan Tapa and the dragons were fighting bravely. Although he was alone and had to fight with two dragons, Tuan Tapa was very brave. he used all his skills to fight them.
And finally he won the fight! The father dragon was dead. The mother dragon was very sad and angry. She knew she could not win the fight. She escaped.
The mother dragon was very angry. She wagged her tail. It broke an island into two small islands. people named the islands as Pulau Dua.
The tail also wagged another big island into many small islands. People named the island as Pulau Banyak.
While the body of the father dragon changed into a big stone.
People named it as Batu Hitam. And the blood dried into a big red stone, people named it as Batu Merah.***

The Legend of Laut Tawar Lake

Folklore from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

A long time ago, there was a kingdom in Takengon, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The king and the queen had a beautiful princess. Her name was Princess Pukes. She was single. The king and the queen wanted her to get married soon.
However they did not know that their daughter already had a boyfriend.
The princess did not tell his parents because they did not approve their relationships.
The princess really loved her boyfriend.
They did not want to
separate. Therefore they secretly got married.
Soon the king found out their marriage. The king was really angry. He asked the soldiers to lock her in her room.
The princess could not meet her husband.
She was locked for many days.
Meanwhile her husband always waited for her. The princess tried to escape. But she always failed. And finally she succeeded!
She jumped through the window and ran towards the palace garden.
Unfortunately, she was caught!
The soldiers immediately brought her to the king. The king was so angry. “You really make me angry! You are truly ungrateful daughter. If you want to leave this place, leave now! You can meet your husband.
But remember on the way you go, don’t look back. Something bad will happen to you if you look back,” cursed the king.
Princess Pukes was sad. She was really confused.
She had to choose
between her parents and her husband. She loved her husband and she did not want to be apart from him.
Sadly, she walked and left the palace. Some soldiers followed her. The king asked them to guard her.
While she was walking, Princess Pukes heard her mother crying. Princess Pukes wanted to see her mother for the very last time. But she remembered her father’s message, not to look
back or something bad would happen to her.
She could not hold it anymore. She desperately wanted to see her mother. Then she looked back. Surprisingly, thunder attacked the kingdom. It was a very bright day, but suddenly rain fell heavily.
The guards asked the princess to go to a cave. The rain was so heavy.
The guards did not want the princess to be wet.
Later the princess went inside the cave. She
was standing in the corner of the cave. And after the rain stopped, the guards asked the princess to continue walking.
They called outthe princess to go out.
“My princess, let’s go now. The rain has stopped. We can continue walking,” asked the guards.
But the princess did not respond. Again, the guards asked her to go out. But still the princess did not respond. The guards were so curious. They went inside the cave. They were surprised. The princess had changed into a stone.
Meanwhile, the heavy rain had created a new lake. The lake was so big and then people named it as Laut Tawar Lake. People also can still find the stone of Princess Pukes. The local people say that when someone visits the stone and feels sad about the story of the princess, the stone will also cry!***


Folklore from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam

A long time ago in Tanah Alas, Aceh, lived a widow with her son named Kepar. They lived alone in a hut. Kepar was a kind kid. He always helped his mother. Kepar’s parents divorced when he was a baby. Kepar’s father left and stayed in other place. He never visited Kepar.
That made Kepar did not know his father. Kepar’s friends always made fun of him. They said that Kepar was not a normal kid because he did not have a father. They said that Kepar’s father hated Kepar so much and that was why he left Kepar.
One day, Kepar could not hold it anymore. He dared himself to talk to his mother and asked
about his father. At first, his mother refused to tell him. But Kepar kept on pushing her to tell him the truth. Finally, Kepar’s mother gave up.
She then told everything about his father.
After he knew all about his father, Kepar went to look for him. He went to a very high mountain where his father lived. He was walking for days and nights. Finally he arrived at his father’s hut.
“Good morning, Sir,” said Kepar.
“Good morning kid. Who are you and where are you from?”
“My name is Kepar. I’m from Tanah Alas,” answered Kepar.
The man was surprised. He knew his son and his former wife lived there. Kepar then told him about himself and his mother.
“So, you are my son,” cried his father. They were hugging each other.
“I missed you, Father. I always think about you. My friends said that you hated me and so you left me,” said Kepar.
“They were wrong. I never hated you. Your mother and I had to live separately. But don’t worry, now you can stay with me also,” said Kepar’s father.
Kepar was so happy. Since then he lived in two houses. He stayed at his father’s for a week and stayed with his mother in another week.
One day Kepar had an idea to reunite his parents.
“Father, I am really sad to see you live alone. Why don’t you remarry? I can find you a
beautiful woman for you,” said Kepar.
“I don’t know about that Kepar. Let me think about it,” answered Kepar’s father.
Kepar also said the same thing to his mother.
There was a man who wanted to marry her.
Kepar then set the time and place for his parents’ meeting. When they finally met, Kepar’s parents were surprised. They haven’t seen each other for a long time. At first, they did not recognize each other. Kepar’s mother was still beautiful and his father was still handsome.
Kepar then begged to them. He asked them to reunite.
Kepar’s parents then forgave each other. To make their son happy, they remarried and lived happily ever after. ***

The Parakeet King

A folktale from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam

In the jungle of Aceh, parakeet birds live peacefully with their wise king. However, now their peaceful life is disturbed. A hunter goes into their jungle and plans to catch them.
It's a beautiful morning. The parakeets and their king perch on a branch of tree. They do not know that the hunter is hiding. The hunter wants to catch the parakeets with his net.
The hunter throws his net towards the parakeets. Some parakeets and the parakeet king are caught under the net. The parakeets are scared but the parakeet king tells them what to do.
"Relax. I have a plan. We all pretend to be dead. When the hunter lifts the net up, we fly fast to the sky," advise the parakeet king. The hunter goes to his net. He is upset! He thinks all the parakeets are dead.
"Oh no! I can't sell dead birds to people." He then lifts the net up. Not long after that, the parakeets free themselves and fly to the sky. But the parakeet king is still trapped. He does not want to fly to the sky until the parakeets are free.
The hunter is surprised when he sees the parakeets are flying. He sees there is one parakeet left in the net.
He moves quickly. "Gotcha!" he catches the parakeet king.
And then the hunter goes home. He puts the parakeet king in a birdcage.
In the jungle, all the parakeets are sad because their king is locked in a birdcage. They set a plan to free their king. All the parakeets fly to the hunter's house. With their beaks, the parakeets peck the birdcage. Slow but sure, the birdcage is destroyed. Then the parakeet king can free himself. “Thank you. You all are very kind to me. Without your help, I'm still trapped in this birdcage, "says the parakeet king. ***

Mentiko Betuah

Folklore from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

A long time ago, there was a kingdom in Semeulue, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The king and the queen had a son, the prince. They loved the prince very much. They always gave him anything he wanted and that made him grew as a spoiled young man.
The king realized his mistake. He wanted to give the prince a lesson. He asked the prince to leave the palace and became a merchant.
"I will give you some money. Use the money only for trading. Don't come back until you are rich!" asked the king.
The prince was sad. He knew his father was angry with him because he was a spoiled boy. He then promised himself that he could become a great merchant.
After he left the palace, he went to a village. While he was walking, he saw some kids were trying to shoot a bird using their slingshots.
"Stop! Don't hurt the bird! I'll give you some money if you stop hurting him," said the prince. After that, he gave some money to those kids.
Later, he saw some men were torturing a snake. Again, the prince asked them to stop hurting the snake. He also gave them some money. He kept on giving some money to people who tortured animals. Finally he did not have any money at all. He was so worried. He knew he could not become a merchant without any money in his pocket. He was also scared of going home. His father would be very angry at him.
Next, the prince went to the forest. He did not know anywhere to go. While he was sitting under a big tree, a giant snake came to him. He was so frightened.
"Don't worry, young man. I will not eat you. I am the king of snakes in this jungle. I heard you helped many animals from being tortured. Now, I want to give you a gift. This is Mentiko Betuah. This magical stone can give you anything you want."
The prince was happy. He asked the Mentiko Betuah to give him a lot of money. Amazingly, the prince later had a lot of money. So he went home and told his father that the money was from his business as a merchant.
The prince kept the Mentiko Betuah carefully. He went to a goldsmith and asked him to make the magical stone as a ring. Unfortunately, the goldsmith stole the Mentiko Betuah. The prince was angry. Luckily he had made friends to the animals. Then they all helped him find the Mentiko Betuah.
A cat, a dog, and a mouse went together to find the magical stone. They finally found the goldsmith. However they could not enter his house, only the mouse could. After waiting for a moment, the mouse came out of the house. He said he could not find the magical stone. After that they all went back to the palace. The cat and the dog did not know that the mouse actually had found the magical stone. He was hiding it in his mouth. He then gave the Mentiko Betuah to the prince. He was so happy and said that the mouse was the hero.
The cat and the dog were jealous and angry. They tried to kill the mouse. That's why until now cats and dogs always try to catch mice. ***

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