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» » Folklore from Maluku

Tanjung Menangis

Folklore from Maluku

THERE was a great kingdom in Halmahera. The people were sad. The king just died. He was a great king. He was kind and very wise. The people loved him very much.
The king had three children, two sons and one daughter. The son were Baginda Arif and Baginda Binaut, while the daughter was Putri baginda Nuri.
The queen talked to commander of the soldiers. They were discussing about the next king. According to the rule, the first child would be the next king. Therefore, they were preparing a ceremony to inaugurate Baginda Arif to be the new king.
Baginda Binaut heard they conversation. Actually, he had an ambition. he also wanted to be the king. He had a plan. Secretly, he talked to the commander and consequently the commander had to send the queen, Baginda Arif and Baginda Nuri to jail.
The commander agreed. He send them to the jail. The queen, the prince and the princess were very sad. Baginda Binaut told the people that his mother, his brother and his sister were drowned in the sea.
"Binaut is really ungrateful. He is really a bad person," said Baginda Arif.
"Be patient, my child. God will help us," said the queen.
Then Baginda Binaut became the new king. Unlike his father, he was very cruel. He asked his people to pay high taxes. The people suffered. They complained but they could not do anything. The soldiers would hurt them.
However, not all the soldiers wanted to follow Baginda Binaut. One of the soldier decided to leave the palace. His name was Bijak. He made his own troops. He knew the queen, the prince and the princess were in jail. He wanted to set them free.
On one night, Bijak and his troops attacked the jail. He wanted to set them free.
On one night, Bijak and his troops attacked the jail. They succeeded! Then he planed to attacked the palace. But the queen did not agree. She did not want to see her own people fighting. The queen then prayed to god.
Not long after that, the mountain erupted. The lava was flowing. It flowed to the palace. The people were running to save their life. Baginda Binaut was also running. Amazingly, wherever he was running, the lava always followed him.
Baginda Binaut was really scared. While he was running, he was thinking of his mother, brother and his sister. He screamed for help.
"Mother, please help me!" He went to the jail but they were not there. He was really panicked because the lava was getting closer to him.
"Help! Help!" screamed Baginda Bimaut but not one helped him.
Finally, Baginda Binaut could not run anymore. He was exhausted and he arrived at the sea. He could not go back to the land because it was full of lava. Then he swam to the sea.
Because he was very tired, he could not swim. He was drowned. Slowly, his body turned into a cave. The people often heard someone crying from the cave, therefore they named it the crying cave or Tanjung Menangis. ***

The Legend of Blue Pond

Folklore From Maluku

“Hey look over there! Water is fl owing!”
A man pointed out to a direction. He saw something strange. Water was fl owing out of the big stones. The water was flowing into a lower ground. Slowly, the ground was full of water.
The water was clear and it was bluish.
“Look! It is blue! I have never seen bluish water like this,” said another man. And then, he tried to taste the water, “The water is so fresh. Come on, let’s drink the water.”
Those people were villagers in Lisawa, Halmahera.
They never saw water coming out of the stones before. It was very strange for them.
“We have to report this to the head of the village,” suggested one man.
They all agreed. Soon, the head of the village arrived at the pond. He was also surprised. The water was clear and bluish. He also wanted to know how it happened. He then asked all the elderly of the village pray to the gods and goddess.
They all prayed and fi nally they got the answer. The water was fl owing from
a girl’s tears. She was crying so badly until the tears was fl ooding the ground.
“Who is she? We need to know who the girl is! Ask all the villagers including their children to gather here,” said the head of the village.
Later, all the villagers gathered in the pond. They all brought their children.
However there were two families who did not bring their children. Those two children were teenagers. The boy was Magohiduruu and the girl was Majojaru.
One woman told the villagers about them. The woman was Majoraru’s mother.
She told them that Magohiduruu and Majojaru were lovers. They planned to get married. A year ago, Magohiduruu left the village to fi nd a better life. He wanted to earn a lot of money before
they got married.
A year passed by but Magohiduruu did not come back yet. She fi nally heard that Magohiduruu was dead. Majojaru was very sad. Everyday she was always sat down under a big tree. She spent her time crying. Majojaru was very sad. She did not
believe that Magohiduruu had already died. She always cried. Her parents tried to comfort Majojaru, but she never listened to them. And one day Majojaru disappeared. She never returned to her home.
After they heard the story, all the villagers agreed to take care of the pond. And since the water was bluish, they named the pond as the Blue Pond.

The King of the River

A Folktale from Maluku

“The snake is coming!” screams a fish to his friends. A frog, a turtle, a snail, and all other animals are surprised. They are immediately hiding. They are afraid of the snake. They are worried the snake will harm them.
“Hey! Where is everybody!” says the snake. He is looking around for all the animals. “I’m hungry. Give me some food. Come on, get out now!”
The snake goes here and there. Finally he finds them.
“Ha…ha…ha…What are you doing here? Why are you hiding? Are you afraid of me? You should be afraid of me. I’m the biggest animal in this river. I’m your king.”
“You are not our king. There is no king here. Everybody is equal,” says the turtle.
“Let’s prove it! Who wants to fight me? I can beat you easily. With my big body, I can twist you easily. Ha…ha…ha! Now, give me some food!”
The animals are afraid. They don’t have any courage to fight the snake. They then prepare some food for him. After the sake finishes eating and leaves them, they have a meeting.
“We can’t be like this all the time. I want to live peacefully,” says the frog.
“I have and idea. Let’s go to the alligator’s house. Talk to him about our problem. We ask him to help us,” says the fish.
All the animals agree with his idea. Finally, the alligator meets the snake.
“I heard what you do to the animals in the animals in this river. You have to stop your bad behavior,” says the alligator.
“I’m not afraid of you. I will twist your body.” The snake and the alligator than are fighting. The alligator uses his tail to hit the snake. He does that several times.
“Mercy me, mercy me!” the snake screams in pain.
“Are you still the king in this river? Are you going to harm the animals again?”
“No. I’m not the king and I promise I will be good to them,” says the snake.***


A Folktale from Maluku

Maluku, a fisherman and his wife lived with their two children, a daughter and a son. The children are naughty. They never listen to their parent's advice. But the parents still love their children very much.
One day, the father goes fishing as usual. Before he goes, he tells his children not to eat the fish-egg. "If you are hungry, eat something else. Do not eat this fish-egg."
The children are just laugh. They do not pay attention to their father.
The mother has to leave the house to do something. Once again, she remains her children about the fish-egg."
The children just laugh. They do not pay attention to their father.
The mother has to leave the house to do something. Once again, she remains the children about the fish-egg. "Your father asked you not to eat the fish egg. So please, don't eat it."
Again, the children do not listen to their mother. They continue playing. After they finish playing, the children have lunch. The son eats the fish-egg. His sister reminds him, "Hey...don't eat the fish-egg. Father forbids us to eat that."
"But father is not here...so I can eat this fish egg."
Not longer after that, the mother comes home. She is so surprised when the fish-egg is gone.
The mother is suspicious. On the son's teeth there is some fish-egg left. She knows that her son just ate it. She is very angry.
"We have told you not to eat the fish-egg. But why do you still eat that? Why do you never listen to us?"
The mother runs. She goes to sea.
The children run after her. They scream, "Mother...Mother...please don’t leave us!"
The mother then stops in front of the big stone. She says, "Open up!"
The big stone opens up. The mother then goes into the big stone. After that the big stone closes.
The children shouts, "Mother please forgives us!" But their mother never returns home. ***

The Deer and the Sea Snail

The Deer and the Sea Snail
Folklore from Maluku

A long time ago in a jungle in Aru Islands, Maluku, lived a group of deer. They were very proud of their ability in running very fast. They always stayed in different places. They challenged other animals in a running match. If the deer won the match, they took over the place and stayed there. Not far from the jungle, there was a beautiful beach. A group of sea snail lived there. The deer heard about the beautiful beach and planned to live there. They had a plan to challenge snails in a running match. They were very sure to win the match. Sea snails were slow in walking. “What’s the rule?” asked the leader of the sea snails after he heard about the challenge. “Do you see all the capes there? There are twelve capes, from here until there,” the deer leader pointed the capes. The distance between one cape to another was very far. “We run from the first cape until the twelfth cape. If my runner arrives first at the twelfth cape, we’re the winner. And we stay here!” The sea snails then had a meeting. They set a strategy to win the match. “My plan is to put the twelve of us in every cape. If their runner arrives in every cape, you shout. So, the deer will never rest and gets very tired,” said the leader. And the day of the match finally arrived. All animals watched this unique match, the deer versus the sea snail. The runners were standing side by side. Then, the deer ran very fast. In just a second, he already left the sea snail. After a few hours of running, he arrived at the first cape. He shouted, “Hey? Where are you?” “I’m here,” said the sea snail. He was another sea snail that was hiding in the first cape. The deer was surprised. He cancelled his plan to get some rest. He continued running. In every cape, there was always a sea snail. And the deer always cancelled his plan to get some rest. Finally, the deer almost reached the twelfth cape but he was exhausted. He was really tired. And he gave up. He did not have any more strength to run. He fell down on the ground. “Hooray!” said all the sea snails. The deer were so embarrassed. They were just tricked by the clever sea snails. So the deer came back to the jungle and never returned to the beach. ***

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