PT Dirgantara Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak di bidang kedirgantaraan yang berlokasi di Bandung Jawa Barat sedang melaksanakan proses generasi karyawan, sehingga akan merekrut sejumlah lulusan S1 dari jurusan Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Elektro Arus Lemah, Teknik Sipil.
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Sedikit mengenai PT. Dirgantara Indonesia
PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is an Indonesian state owned enterprise that was established in 1976. PTDI manufacturing site is in Bandung, Indonesia.
The company main products are aircrafts, aircraft structure component, aircraft services, and engineering. PTDI Assembly Lines produce various types of CN235 under TC for civil or military transport, maritime patrol, surveillance, and coast guard.
Other than those, the Assembly Lines also produce under licenses the NC212-200, NAS332 Super Puma and NBell412-EP. Under the Strategic Agreement with Airbus Military, the PTDI Assembly Line produces NC212-400 and the PTDI Delivery Center will soon start deliveries of the CN295 from Bandung Indonesia. PTDI has delivered over 400 aircraft to 49 civil and military operators.
PTDI Manufacturing produces aircraft parts, components, tools and fixtures for A320/321/330/340/350/380 of Airbus, for MK2 and EC725 of Euro copter and for CN235, C212-400 and C295 of Airbus Military.
PTDI Aircraft Services provides maintenance, overhaul, repair, alteration and logistic support for CN235, Bell412, BO-105, NC-212-100/200, NAS332 Super Puma, B737-200/300/400/500, A320, Fokker 100, and Fokker 27.
PTDI Engineering provides engineering services and analysis and flight simulators.
Assembly & Integrations of :
- CN235-220 (Produced & Delivered 57 units, 5 units back orders)
- NC-212-200 (Produced & Delivered 102 units)
- Helikopter NBO-105 ( Produced & Delivered 122units, stop production @2008)
- Helikopter BELL-412 (Produced & Delivered 33units )
- Helikopter NAS-332C1 (Produced & Delivered 20 units)
- ILS & Customer-Supports
Produce Tooling and airframe Components of :
- Airbus A380/A320/A321/A340/A350
- Boeing B-747/B-777/B-787
- Eurocopter MK-2 (EC225/EC725)
- Airbus Military CN235/C295/C212-400
Provide Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Alteration of:
- PTDI Products: CN235, NC-212-100/200, NBELL-412, NBO-105, NSA-330 and NAS-332
- Non PTDI Products: B737-200/300/400/500, Cesna172, Enstrom 480B, BK-117 and Bell-212
- Spares Support
- General Aviation Business
Hopefully, this aircraft industry will become an efficient and adaptable business institution. Dirgantara Indonesia cover an area of 86,98 hectares of building. The production activities of the company are sustained by 232 units of various machinery and equipment. Apart from this, there are some other equipment spread over in various assembly lines, laboratories, and service & maintenance units.