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» » Folklore from West Sumatra

Mak Isun Kayo

Folklore from West Sumatra

ONCE upon a time in Payakumbuh, West Sumatra lived a young man named Mak Isun. He was a diligent farmer. Mak Isun always thought of how he could be richer. One day, while he was at the rice field, a man passed by. His name was Pak Sole. He brought a monkey. Me was a monkey tamer. He made money by doing peoples order to pick up the coconuts. He did not have to climb the coconut trees. He always asked his monkey to do that job.
"Pak Soleh, where are you going?" asked Mak Isun.
"I'm going to pick up some coconuts"
"How much do you get for the work?"
"That depends. If the place is near from here, I got three coconuts. But if the place is far, I get five coconut. In one day, I can get 25 coconuts," answered Pak Soleh.
Mak Isun was thinking. "Hmm... if I can get 25 coconuts in one day, I could be rich. I can sell the coconuts at the market. I'm sure I can get a lot of money."
"Pak Soleh, do you want to sell your monkey?"
"This is not my monkey. This belongs to Pak Kari. I work for him. But I'm not sure about my job. I heard Pak Kari wants to sell all his monkeys," replied Pak Soleh.
"Don't worry, I will buy all hos monkeys and you can work for me later."
Then, he met Pak Kari and bought all his monkeys. He also hired all Pak Kari's employees. He told the villagers to contact him if they needed service to pick up the coconuts.
Mak Isun was right. He had a lot of money to his new business. He was richer. People then called him Mak Isun Kayo, kayo means rich.
However, Mak Isun Kayo was not satisfied. He wanted to get more money. So, he told his employees. "Now the fees of picking up the coconuts are raised. If the place is near from here, they have to pay five coconuts. And if the place is far from here, they have to pay ten coconuts," said Mak Isun.
"But the villagers will not agree. Its too expensive," said one of his employees.
"I don't care. They will not have a choice. I am the only one who has this business. The villagers will pay me after all."
All the employees knew that was not a wise decision. They then planned to do something.
Later in the morning, Mak Isun was surprised. He heard noise around his house. When he peeped through the windows, he saw a lot of monkeys around his house. He asked for help, but no one dared to help him. He then asked help from his employees.
"We will help you, but you have to promise not to increase the fees!"
"OK, I promise," said Mak Isun.
The villagers were laughing. They always talked about a rich man who was surrounded by his own monkeys.***

Maninjau Lake

Folklore from West Sumatra

THERE was a village in the foot of Tinjau Mountain. The villagers lived happily. Among the villagers there lived bujang Sembilan or nine young men. People called them bujang sembilan because they were nine brothers. Kukuban was the oldest. Their parents died a long time ago. Bujang sembilan had a youngest sister. Her name was Sani.
The head of the village was Datuk Lambatang. He was a kind and wise leader. He always took care of the villagers, especially bujang sembilan and their sister. He often visited them with his wife and his son, Giran.
Giran never missed joining his father to visit bujang sembilan's house. he wanted to meet Sani. He fell in love with her. Fortunately, Sani also loved him.
Giran told his parents. He said that he wanted to marry Sani. Datuk Limbang agreed. He would talk to bujang semnbilan about the marriage after the harvest.
Meanwhile, Sani also talked to her brothers about Giran. They all agreed. And they also knew Datuk Limbatang would propose her after the harvest.
Later, harvest was coming. All the villagers were happy. They had a habit. The celebrated harvest by having pencak silat competition. It is traditional martial art. Each family sent a young man to join the competition. Kukuban was the representative from his family and Giran represented his family.
Kukuban first had a match with a young man. Kukuban won the match. He then had a match with another man. Again he won. He always won. And it was time for Giran.
Later, the two of them had an amazing match. Both of them were very skillful. At the first Kukuban underestimated Giran. He was much younger than Kukuban. But he was wrong. Giran could beat him. Kukuban lost the match!
Kukuban was very upset. He though that Giran would give up. Especially that Giran would marry his sister. He felt that Giran humiliated him. He was waiting for the right time to revenge!
As agreed, Datuk Limbatang and his family came to bujang sebilan's house. He wanted to to propose Sani to be Giran's wife.
Surprisingly, Kukuban rejected the proposal. "No, I will not let Giran marry my sister. He was not a good man. I have a proof. In the pencak silat match, he attacked me brutally", said Kukuban.
"But it was only a game. I don't think he attacked you brutally. Many people watch the match and I'm sure they all agreed with me," said Dauk Limbatang.
Unfortunately, Kukuban had made up his mind. He rejected the proposal. Sani and Giran were very sad.
However both of them still met secretly.
Kukuban finally found out. He and his brothers send them to the traditional court. He accused them having a sinful relationship. And they were punished. They would be thrown to the crater of Tinjau Mountain.
"We are innocent. We never do anything wrong," said Giran. Then he prayed.
"God, when we are wrong, please destroy our body in the crater. But if we are innocent, make this mountain erupt and change bujang sembilan as fish."
Then they were thrown into crater.
Not long after that, the mountain erupted. People saved their lives. Amazingly, bujang sembilan slowly turned into fish. And the crater was getting bigger. It finally became a lake. People named it as Maninjau Lake. ***

The White Gibbon

Folklore from West Sumatra

THERE was a rich and noble family in Kampung Alai, Tiku Beach West Sumatra. The father was a rich merchant. His business was making and selling big ships. His name was Nahkoda Baginda. He had a very beautiful daughter. Her name was Puti Julian.
Puti Julian was single. Actually, many young man fell in love. However they did not have any confidence to propose her. They came from common family. Puti Julian only wanted to marry a man from noble family, just like her family.
Puti Julian was restless. In her sleep, he always dreamt of a handsome man. He was also from a noble family. His name was Sutan Rumandung.
Nahkoda Baginda understood how his daughter felt. He wanted to find the man. He held a party and invited young men from other places. Unfortunately, Sutan Rumandang did not attend the party. He was sailing.
Nahkoda Baginda asked a holy man to guide Sutan Rumandung and his ship to anchor in their place. Days passed by and finally Sutan Rumandang arrived at Tiku Beach.
Nahkoda Baginda invited Sutan Ramandung to go to his house. When Sutan Ramandung and Puti Julian met, they fell in love. Puti Julian was very happy. Finally she could meet the man in her dream. Sutan Rumandung was also very happy. He never met a very beautiful girl like Puti Julian.
Nahkoda Bagianda asked them to get married. However, Sutan Ramandung asked to delay the marriage. He wanted to sail and get a lot of money. Puti Julian agreed. Before they said goodbye, they made a promise.
"I will always wait for you here. I will never marry another man. If I do, I will change into a gibbon," said Puti Julian. Gibbon was a kind of monkey. The local people said it siamang.
"I will also keep my promose. I will never marry another girl. If I do, my ship will sink and I will die in the sea," said Sutan Rumandung.
After they both said their promise, Sutan and his crew left. They were sailing.
Puti Julian always waited for him. Everyday she went to the beach and looked at the sea. Everytime a ship came closer, she was always anxious. But Sutan Rumandung did not come yet. Puti Julian was restless. She was getting older and she was not married yet.***

Sabai nan Aluih

Folklore from West Sumatra

A long time ago in Padang Tarok, West Sumatra, lived a family. The father's name was Rajo Babanding and yhe mother's name was Sadun Saribai. They had two children, one daughter and one son. Their daughter's name was Sabai nan Aluih and their son's name was Mangkutak Alam. Those two children had different personalities. Mankutak Alam was lazy. He never helped her parents. He often played outside with friends. While Sabai nan Aluih was an obdient girl. She was also kind to other people. Everybody loved her. She was famous because she was beautiful.
The news about Sabai nan Aluih was finally heard by a rich merchant. His name was Rajo nan Panjang. Nobody liked him. He was rich but he never helped people. He was also cruel. He had three strong guards. they always protected Rajo nan Panjang.
Rajo nan Panjang wanted to marry Sabai nan Aluih. He sent his guards to meet Sabai's father, Rajo Babanding. The guards told him the proposal. However Rajo Babanding rejected it.
"I'm sorry. I don't want my daughter to marry a man who is as old as I am," said Rajo Babanding.
The guards went home. They told Rajo nan Panjang that the Proposal was rejected. He was angry. He felt that he was being humiliated. Again he sends his guards. This time he asked his guards to invite Rajo Babanding to meet him at Padang Panahunan. It was a place that people used for a fight.
Sabai nan Aluih knew about the marriage proposal. And she also knew that Rajo nan Panjang challanged her father to fight. Sabai nan Aluih tried to stop his father to go to Padang Panahunan. She had a bad dream last night.
"Don't worry my daugter. I'll be fine." said Rajo babanding.
Then he went to Padang Panahuna. When he arrived, Rajo nan Panjang was already there. Rajo Babanding did not know that Rajo nan Panjang's guards were hiding. They would also attack Rajo Babanding. One of them brought a rifle. He would shoot Rajo Babanding if Rajo nan panjang lost hte fight.
"Rajo Babanding, you should accept my wedding proposal I'm very rich, you know!" said Rajo nan Panjang.
"I don't care!" said Rajo Babanding.
Later they fought. Both were very powerful. They fought bravely. However Rajo Babanding had better skills in martial arts. Soon Rajo nan Panjang lost the fight.
The guard knew he had to protect his master. Silently he aimed his rifle at Rajo Babanding. He shot the man! Rajo Babanding fell down. He died instantly.
Not long after that Sabai nan Aluih arrived in padang Panahunan. She was sad. She saw her father was on the ground. She cried. She knew her father was shot. She was angry. "Why did you shoot him? My father did not bring any weapon."
"Ha ha ha... Your father tried to stop me from marrying you," said Rajo nan Panjang.
Sabai nan Aluih grabbed the rifle. With great courage she shot Rajo nan Panjang. He died instantly. Later all the villagers came to Padang pananhunan. They arrested Rajo nan panjang guards. They also talked about Sabai nan Aluih's great courage. Until now people still talk about Sabai nan Aluih and they put her name in traditional song.***

Pak Belalang

Folklore from West Sumatra

Pak Belalang was famous. He had a magic book that could tell everything. He always learned something every time he read the magic book.
It was a beautiful evening. Pak belalang had some guests. Suddenly he asked his son to get him the magic book. He wanted to show his magic ability to the guests.
After reading the magic book, he said, "I think there is a mouse in the trap."
His son immediately went to the kitchen and took the mousetrap. Pak Belalang was right! There was a mouse caught in the trap.
The guests were surprised. They were Belalang's magic book.
After all the guests went home, Pak Belalang laughed. "Ha...ha...ha... I fooled them. They didn't know I had put a mouse trap. Ha...ha...ha..."
Yes, Pak Belalang was a liar. He actually did not have a magic book. It was just an ordinary book. He lied because he wanted to be famous.
One day, the king called Pak Belalang to the palace to find the missing jewellery. The king gave him seven days to find it. Pak Belalang knew that if he could not find the jewellery, he would be punished. He would go to jail.
Pak Belalang went to every place to find the jewellery. On the seventh day he still could not find them. So, he held a farewell dinner with his family.
Pak Belalang said to his wife, "Please make some pancakes."
When the first pancake was ready, Pak Belalang said, "This one is yellow. Please make another." When the second one is ready, he said, "This is too brown, make me another one."
Within every pancake, Pak Belalang said too dark, too fat, too thin, and so on. Meanwhile, Pak Belalang did not know that some thieves were hiding under his house. Those were the thieves who stole the king's jewellery.
The thieves wanted to know what Pak Belalang would say about them. When they heard the words yellow, brown, dark, fat, thin, they become frightened because each of them were yellow, brown, dark fat and thin.
A moment later, the seven thieves knocked on his door. They cried, "Please help us, Pak Belalang! We will return the jewellery. We promise not to steal anymore!"
Pak Belalang then brought the jewellery to the palace. The king was so happy and gave him great gifts.
Pak Belalang was so thankful. he promised himself not to lie anymore. Next time he wouldn't be lucky. He could be punished for his wrong doing. ***

Pak Belalang= Mr. Grasshopper

Legend of Desa Sungai Jernih

Folklore From West Sumatra

ONCE upon a time in West Sumatra, a widow took her two children to a party. Her children, a boy and a girl, were very happy. They wore beautiful clothes to the party. they found delicious foods, and saw many guests in the party. The children were having a great time.
There was also a traditional music show. The show crowded with people.
The children asked their mother if they could see the music show which was located a few meters away.
"Yes, you two may go there. But please remember, don't go to far," said the mother. The children ran to the stage where the music show was performed. They enjoyed the music. But they were bored just watching the show so they took a walk around the stage. They forgot their mother's message not to go too far.
Suddenly they saw a pond. The water was very clear and fresh. Because the sun was very hot, they were tempted to play in the water. So they took off their clothes and jumped in to the water. They swam together happily. It felt so fresh!
Meanwhile, the party was almost over. The mother remembered her two children. She felt so desperate because she could not find them. The day turned into night. The children were still missing. The mother cried and cried.
She went home without her children.
She fell a sleep after a long hour of crying. And she had a dream about her children. In her dream, she met an old woman. The old woman told her, "Your children are in the pond near the party house. If you want to see them, throw a handful of rice in to the pond. Your children will appear."
As soon as she woke up, she quickly ran to the pond. She also had a handful of rice in her hand.
When she reached the pond, she threw the rice in to the pond and she called her children's names. The dream was true! Two big fish with beautiful colors appeared in the pond. The mother cried when she saw them. Her children turned into big beautiful fish because they disobeyed their mother's message.
The mother cried and cried again. All the people of the village cheered her up. But she was still very sad.
The village where the pond was located is now called Desa Sungai Jernih. It is called so because the water in the pond was very clear. Desa Sungai Jernih is located in northern part of Nagari Baso, in Kabupaten Agam, West Sumatra.
The name of the village also reminds people today in West Sumatra that it is important to obey our parents.
Today, the people of the village come to that pond because they think it is a sacred place. ***

Pak Lebai Malang

Folklore from West Sumatra

Pak Lebai was a wishy-washy man. He always change his mind before he did something. He lived in a village next to a river. Everyday, he always used his sampan for travelling at the river.
One day, Pak Lebai was paddling his sampan at the river. Suddenly, he heard someone called out his name. It was his neighbour.
"Pak Lebai, can you come to my house tomorrow? I will have a party", said the neighbor.
Pak Lebai was happy. He loved party because he could eat delicious food. He also could get a buffalo's head from the party. Still on the same day, he got another invitation. Those two party invitations made him confused. The two parties were held at the same time, but at the different places. The two neighbors who invited him lived in different sides of the river.
One neighbor lived on the east side and another one lived in the west side.
"I will go to the east side. I can have two heads of buffalo. He is richer," said Pak Lebai.
On the following day, he paddled his sampan with great power to the east side. He did not want to be late and lost the buffalo's head. On the way to the party, he met some friends.
"The party is awful. There are not many buffalo's heads. He is very stingy, "said one of them.
"I don't care. I'm still going there. He is my friend. I'm sure he will give me the buffalo's head," said Pak Lebai.
He immediately paddled his sampan. Right before he arrived at the east side of the river, he changed his mind. He knew the host was stingy. He thought that he would not get a buffalo's head. So he turned back his sampan and went to the west side. Again, he paddled his sampan with great power. he did not have much time.
Unfortunately, right before he arrived at the west side he met his friends again.
"What are you doing here, Pak Lebai? The party is over." Pak Lebai was upset and blaming himself for being wishy-washy. He also tired because he was padding back and forth in the river. later he fell asleep in his sampan. He did not realize his sampan was drifting away at the river. When he woke up, he was already in the different village. When all his neighbors heard what happened to Pak Lebai, then they all started to cal him Pak Lebai Malang or the poor Mister Lebai.***


Folklore from West Sumatra

Do you know why the roofs of houses in West Sumatra have the shape of buffalo horns? Here is the story. Once upon a time there was a kingdom in West Sumatra. The people worked as farmers. Their lives were full of happiness. The land was fertile and the weather was always beautiful. The people also had a wise king. He always protected the people. However, soon their happy lives would be disturbed. Majapahit, a kingdom from
Java would attack them. The people were so scared. They were so restless. They went to the king to talk about it. The king tried to calm them down."Don't worry, my fellow country men. I know Majapahit have many soldiers. They are also great in war. If we fight them, maybe we lose. But I have an idea how to beat them, 'said the king. Then he continued. ÒWe can challenge them to a buffalo fight. If their buffalo dies, we win. But if our buffalo dies, they win." "We have to make sure our buffalo will win, Your Majesty. How?" asked one of the people. The king smiled. He continued, ÒWe just need to find a strong baby buffalo." The king then
ordered his people to give him the strongest baby buffalo. After that, the strong baby buffalo was separated from his mother. They did not give any food to the baby buffalo for several days. The baby buffalo was very hungry! The baby buffalo cried and cried. He asked for food. Then the king took two sharp knives and attached them strongly to the baby buffalo's horn. Now it was time for the buffalo battle. Everyone gathered on the field. The Majapahit soldier released a big and wild buffalo out of his cage. Everyone was surprised with the size of the buffalo. Later, the West Sumatran released their baby buffalo. The Majapahit soldiers were laughing. "Ha ha ha. It's so small. How can you win?" They did not know that the hungry baby buffalo had two sharp knives on the horn. The baby buffalo ran fast towards the big buffalo and went straight under the big buffalo's stomach to find the teat. The knives at the baby buffalo's horns cut through the big buffalo's stomach. The big buffalo fell down to the ground and died. "Yes! We win, we win, we win!" The people of West Sumatra cheered. Then, the king changed the name of the kingdom into Minangkabau. It means the buffalo won. That is why the roofs of the houses in West Sumatra are similar to the form of buffalo horns and the traditional headdress of the women of West Sumatra is also like buffalo horns. ***

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