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» » Folklore from West Sulawesi

I Tui Tuing

Folklore from West Sulawesi

THERE were a husband and a wife lived in Mandar, West Sulawesi. The husband was a fisherman.
They had been married for many years but they had no any children yet. Everyday they prayed to God. They never gave up asking God to give them a child.
“Dear God, please give us a child even though he looks like a tui-tuing fish,” prayed the couple.
Tui-tuing is a flying fi sh found in that area.
And finally God answered their pray, the wife was pregnant. And when the baby was born,
they were surprised. The baby looked like a fish.
The skin had scales, just like the body of a fish.
They remembered their pray. But still they were very happy. They took care of the baby with
great love. They named him as I Tuing-Tuing.
I Tuing-Tuing grew as a great boy. He was diligent and obedient to his parents.
Soon I Tuing-Tuing grew as a young man.
It was time for him to get married. He asked his parents to fi nd him a girl. The parents knew it
was not easy to find a wife for their child. They thought no girls wanted to marry him. However,
they did not want to make him sad. So the parents went to the villagers’ houses, proposing any
single girl to be their daughter-in-law.
And it happened as they thought. All the girls they met always rejected their marriage proposal. There was one last house they hadn’t visited yet. It was the merchant’s house.
The merchant lived in a very big house. He had six daughters. All the daughters looked very happy. Actually, the third daughter, Rukiah, was not happy. She was the most beautiful daughter and her sisters were very jealous to
her. Therefore, they put charcoal dust on her body. Her white skin turned into dark.
In the meantime, I Tuing-Tuing’s parents arrived at the merchant’s house. After they explained
the purpose of their visit, the merchant asked all his daughters to answer.
All the daughters rejected! They also insulted I Tuing-Tuing as a fish. Suddenly, Rukiah answered, “Yes, I will marry I Tuing-Tuing.” All of his sisters were laughing. They said that Rukiah was crazy. They did not know that Rukiah did not want to live with them anymore.
I Tuing-Tuing was very happy. Finally, there was a girl who was willing to be his wife. He
did not care although Rukiah’s skin was very dark. And after they got married, they lived in their own house. I Tuing-Tuing worked as a fisherman and Rukiah stayed at home. Rukiah had lot of time washing her skin. Later, it was completely clean. She got her beauty back.
While she was waiting for her husband, a man knocked the door. Rukiah opened it and saw a
handsome man in front of the door.
“Who are you?” asked Rukiah.
“My name is I Tuing-Tuing. Where is my wife?” he asked.
“You are lying. I Tuing-Tuing has fish scales in his body.”
“It is true. But after I got married, I’m cured.
My skin has changed into normal. By the way, who are you?” asked I Tuing-Tuing. He also did not recognize his wife.
“I’m Rukiah. My sisters have done a terrible thing to me. They put charcoal dust in my body.
But I have completely washed and cleaned my skin,” said Rukiah.
And they were very happy. They were not ugly anymore. All the villagers really admired their great looks. And Rukiah’s sisters were even more jealous to her.***

The Legend of Pamboang

Folklore from West Sulawesi

A long time ago, three men came to Majene, West Sulawesi. They wanted to open a new place. Those three men were brothers. They were I Lauase, I Lauwella, and I Labuqang.
They arrived in the beach. It was empty. No humans lived there. So the three brothers divided jobs among them.
I Lauase worked in the land. He wanted to open new fi elds for plantation. I Lauwella and I Labuqang worked on the beach. I Lauwella cleaned the beach from the seaweeds and I Labuqang covered the hole made by the crabs.
They worked hard everyday. And finally they succeeded. I Lauase had fields with so many trees, fruits and vegetables. I Lauwella and I Labuqang already cleaned the beach from the seaweeds and the covered the holes.
One by one people came to their place.
And slowly it became a new village.
The three brothers were the leaders of the village. They thought they had to fi nd a name for their village.
“I have an idea. Let’s name it Pallayarang Tallu,” said I Lauase.
“What does it mean,” asked I Lauwella.
“Well, Pallayarang means ship pole and Tallu means three,” explained I Lauase.
They all agreed. Since then they named the village as Pallayarang Tallu.
More and more people came to Pallayarang Tallu. The village was growing into a small town.
The name Pallayarang Tallu was so famous. One man was interested to know more about the new town. His name was Puatta Di Karena. He was from Passokkorang kingdom. He went to Pallayarang Tallu with many people.
They were refugees. Their kingdom was attacked by their enemy. They came to Pallayarang Tallu to ask for help.
The leader, Puatta Di Karena came to I Lauase’s house.
“Our kingdom is attacked. Can you help us?” asked Puatta Di Karena.
“I’m not the only leader here. I have to discuss with my brothers,” answered I Lauase.
Later, the three brothers held a meeting.
After that they met Puatta Di Karena to tell him about their decision.
“We cannot help you. We don’t have enough soldiers yet. You can see that
Pallayarang Tallu is a new town. There are not so many people live here,” explained I Lauase.
“But we really need your help. Pallayarang Tallu is the nearest town from our kingdom. Besides that, the three of you are very strong men. You can build this town. It means you have great power. I’m sure we can win if you help us,” said Puatta Di Karena.
He continued, “If you help us, I will give you tambo.” Tambo means fee or money.
The three brothers then discussed.
They needed more money.
And the tambo could be used to build Pallayarang Tallu.
“When will you give us the tambo?” asked I Lauase.
“Next week,” answered Puatta Di Karena.
Then the people of Pallayarang Tallu helped them. They won! However Puatta Di Karena did not show up yet. He disappeared.
Nobody knew where he was. The people of Pallayarang Tallu always talked abou the tambo. Slowly the word tambo changed into tamboang, then changed into pamboang. Since then the people changed the name Pallayarang Tallu into Pamboang. Pamboang is an area in Majene, West Sulawesi.***

Samba’ Paria

Folklore from West Sulawesi

A long time ago in Mandar, West Sulawesi, lived a beautiful girl named Samba’ Paria. She lived with her younger sister in a hut.
Their hut was in the jungle. They both lived alone. Their parents had died. Samba’ Paria loved her younger sister very much. They always helped each other.
One night they had a dinner. Suddenly someone knocked the door.
“Who is that?” asked Samba’ Paria.
“We are the soldiers and the king. We are lost in the jungle. We are hunting here,” said one man.
Samba’ Paria then opened the door.
There were some soldiers and the king!
Samba’ Paria was very nervous. She did not know what to do. She was speechless.
“May we come in?” asked the king.
“Yes, you can,” answered Samba’ Paria.
And when the king was inside the house, he was amazed by Samba’ Paria’s beauty. He never saw a beautiful girl like her. The king fell in love with her. However he had a bad plan. He wanted to kidnap Samba’ Paria and brought her to the palace. He was thinking and fi nally he had an idea.
“I want to drink water from the waterfall.
And I want your sister to go to the waterfall and bring me the water,” said the king.
In a hurry, the sister went to the waterfall.
Right after she left, the king immediately asked the soldiers to take Samba’ Paria. She tried to release herself. But it was useless.
The soldiers were too strong. She knew she could not escape, so she grabbed some leaves and put them one by one on the way to the palace.
Later, the younger sister arrived at home. She was so confused. No one was at home . The door was open .
She was crying and screaming her sister’s name. Suddenly she saw some leaves on the ground.
She followed the leaves and finally she arrived in the palace.
“Kakak Samba’, are you there? If you are in the palace, please show me yourself in the window,” asked the sister.
The king heard that. Actually Samba’ Paria was locked in the room and she could not show herself because the room did not have any windows. The king wanted the sister to think that Samba’ Paria did not want to see her anymore. So he put a cat in the window.
The sister was surprised to see a cat in the window. She thought her older sister did not want to see her anymore. So she went home crying.
Samba’ Paria was also sad. The king asked her to marry him. But she did not want to. Days and nights she was locked in the room. She was always thinking about her younger sister.
She knew her sister needed her very much. Samba’ Paria prayed to God.
She asked God to help her escape from the palace.
God heard her prayer. In one night, she was able to escape! She ran very fast and finally she arrived at home.
The two girls hugged each other. They were crying. This time they cried because they were very happy. Samba’ Paria knew the king would follow her. So the two girls set a trap. She prepared some chilies and later she was grinding them. Finally, she mixed it with water. She wanted to throw the water to king’s face.
And it worked! And when the king arrived at their home, Samba’ Paria threw the water to the king’s face. The king’s screamed in pain. He fell and his head hit a big stone.
He died instantly. Since then Samba’ Paria lived peacefully with her younger sister. ***


Folklore from West Sulawesi

The people of Mandar were farmers. Most of them worked for a rich man. He hired the villagers to work in his coconut plantation. The rich man had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Bekkandari. She had a best friend. Her name was Hawadiyah. Unlike Bekkandari, Hawadiyah was a poor girl. She lived with her mother in a hut. Hawadiyah was also beautiful.
Many people said she was more beautiful than Bekkandari.
It was harvest time. The villagers worked very hard in the plantation. Hawadiyah helped her mother collect the coconuts. Bekkandari’s father gave coconuts as the fee for the villagers. The more they collected the coconuts, the more Bekkandari’s father gave them the fee.
After it was finished, Hawadiyah’s mother received five coconuts. She immediately grated and cooked them in order to get the coconut oil. She then brought the coconut oil to Bekkandari’s father. Other villagers also brought the coconut oil to him. Bekkandari’s father would sail to Java to sell his coconut oil. The villagers also wanted to sell their coconut oil, so they brought it to Bekkandari’s father.
Hawadiyah’s mother really wanted to see her daughter to get married. She prayed to God. She hoped the man who bought her coconut oil would marry her daughter.
Later Bekkandari’s father and his men sailed the sea. When they arrived in Java, Bekkandari’s father sold the coconut oil to a rich merchant. He was young and handsome. When he bought the coconut oil from Hawadiyah’s mother, the merchant felt something strange. He saw a picture of a beautiful girl in the coconut oil. The merchant could not forget about her. Later he decided to go to Mandar to find the beautiful girl.
When he arrived, the merchant went around.
He met Bekkandari’s father. He brought the merchant to his house. He introduced the merchant to his daughter, Bekkandari. She loved him instantly.
She tried to approach the merchant.
However, it was not Bekkandari’s face he saw in the coconut oil. So he ignored her. Finally, the merchant met Hawadiyah. He was so happy finally he found the girl of his dream. The merchant went to Hawadiya’s house to propose her. The proposal was accepted and they were going to get married in the merchant’s house in Java. Bekkandari was jealous.
She planned something bad. She told the merchant that she was also going to Java to accompany Hawadiyah. Before the wedding, Bekkandari threw hot oil to Hawadiyah’s face. Hawadiyah was very sad. She was not beautiful anymore. She ran away and hid in a jungle.
The merchant was confused. Hawadiyah was missing. He asked all his men to find her. In the mean time, Bekkandari kept on telling the merchant that Hawadiyah ran away, and she was ready to be her wife.
Again, the merchant ignored her.
In the jungle, Hawadiyah made friend with the animals. They were sorry to see her life. They suggested Hawadiyah to take a bath in magic pond in the jungle. Amazingly after she took a bath, she got her beauty back.
And when the merchant’s men found her, they immediately brought her to the merchant’s house.
Hawadiyah told him about everything. The merchant was really angry. He asked his men to get rid of Bekkandari from his house. Later the merchant and Hawadiyah got married. Her mother was happy to see Hawadiyah to get married and have a happy life.***

The Legend of Pattuddu Dance

Folklore from West Sulawesi

ONCE upon a time in Mandar, West Sulawesi, there was a kingdom. The king and the queen had a handsome prince. He was still single. The prince was a diligent man. The palace had a beautiful garden and a pond. There was also waterfall in the pond. The prince always spent his time in the garden. He loved gardening and always took care of the plants.
In one afternoon, rain fell heavily. After it stopped, the prince went to the garden. On the way to the garden, he saw a beautiful rainbow. The rainbow ended in the pond. There were seven doves flying through rainbow and they stopped flying above the pond. Amazingly, those seven doves turned into beautiful angels. They put their shawls on the ground then they all swam in the pond.
The prince watched them. He was amazed by their beauty and wanted to marry one of them. He stole one of the shawls and hid it. After all, those angels finished taking a bath and one by one they wore their shawls and changed back as a dove. However, the youngest angel could not find her shawl. She cried and then made a promise.
"If a man finds my shawl, I will marry him. And if a woman finds my shawl, I will treat her as my own sister," said the angel.
The prince heard the promise. He then pretended to help her. Because they could not find the shawl, then the prince asked the angel to stay with him in the palace. The angel agreed because without her shawl she could not fly back to her home in heaven.
Then the prince and the angel got married. Later, they had a baby boy. They loved their son very much. The prince and the angel took care of their son lovingly.
In one morning, the angel wanted to enter one room. She wanted to use the room for their baby. The room was locked and the prince always forbade her to enter the room. Because she really wanted her son to sleep in the room, she ignored her husband warning.
When she was inside the room, she was surprised. She found her shawl. She then knew that her husband stole her shawl and never planned to return it.
The angel immediately wore her shawl. She then came to her husband.
"My Dear Husband, I have found my shawl. Now I want to go back home to heaven. Please take care of our son. And if you miss me, just look at the rainbow."
The angel then waggled her shawl. Slowly, she flew to the sky. The prince was very sad. He just lost his beautiful wife. And every time he missed her, he always looked at the rainbow.
The people of Mandar, West Sulawesi, then imitated the way the angel waggling her shawl into movements of a dance. The dance is known as Pattuddu Dance. ***

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