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» » Folklore from Central Kalimantan

Jangga Hatuen Bulan

Folklore from Central Kalimantan

A long time ago, a man lived on the moon. his name was Jangga. He lived with his mother. Jangga loved hunting. Everyday he went hunting with his dog. His mother often told him not to go hunting too long. But Jangga often ignored her.
One day Jangga and his dog went hunting as usual. He was looking for the animals. However, he could not find any of them. Sadly, he was lost. He could not find a way to his home. While he was walking, suddenly he saw an old woman.
Jangga followed the old woman. She arrived at her house. jangga wanted to stay the night at her house. He knocked the door. an old man opened the door. Jangga told him that he wanted to stay. The old man gave him the permission.
Apparently, it was a family. The old man and the old woman had a beautiful daughter. Jangga told them that he was lost. He said that he lived on the moon. The old man said that Jangga was really far from home. They were on the earth.
Jangga was so sad. He could not go back to his home and meet his mother.
The old man offered Jangga to stay at his home. Jangga agreed.
Day passed by ans soon Jangga fell in love with the old man's daughter. Then they got married.
Jangga still enjoyed hunting. With his dog, he often went hunting in the jungle. His wife often told him not to go hunting too long. However, Jangga ignored her.
Jangga's wife was pregnant. She often asked Jangga to stay at home and not to go hunting. Again, Jangga ignored her. Her wife was often angry with him.
In the morning, Jangga wanted to go hunting. This time his wife was really angry.
"Please stay. Don't go! I feel like I'm going to deliver the baby today."
"Don't worry. If the baby is a boy, name him Jangga Batuen Bulan. It means Jangga, a man from the moon. And if the baby is a girl, name her Hendan Bawi Bulan. It means Hendan, a woman from the moon," said Jangga.
Then he left his wife. Not long after that Jangga's wife delivered a baby boy. She was so angry that her husband was not next to her. She did not want her husband to see the baby.
Later Jnagga came home. He heard a baby was crying. He was so happy.
"Where is the baby? I want to see my baby," said Jangga.
"No, you can't! I don't want you to see the baby!" said Jangga's wife.
Jangga was so sad. Ans he was also very angry! He went outside of his home. His dog followed him. After that he prayed. He called out his mother.
Suddenly thunder attacked the place. Dark cloud covered him and his dog. Surprisingly, Jangga and his dog disappeared. Not long after that the baby was dead. Jangga brough the baby spirit to the moon.
Jangga's wife was so sad. She called out Jangga's name. But it was to late. Jangga and the baby now lived on the moon. Jangga's wife was crying. She never stop crying.
The Gods heard how she cried and they didn't like it. The were upset with her and changed her into a bird. People named the bird as pungguk bird.
Until now, during full moon we still can hear the sound of pungguk bird. And we can also see the image of a dog in the moon. From the legend, people make a proverb. It says, "Just like a pungguk waiting for the moon". It means that it's just waiting in vain.***

The Salty River

Folklore from Central Kalimantan

A long time ago in Sepang Village, Central Kalimantan, lived a widow named Emas.
Her husband died when her daughter was a baby. Her daughter’s name was Tumbai.
The villagers in Sepang Village were poor.
Though they were poor, the villagers always worked hard. Fortunately there was a well in the village. So they always had enough water to live.
Tumbai was a very good daughter. She was diligent and obedient. She always helped her mother and listened to her mother’s advice. She also liked to help other people. That was why everybody
knew her.
Tumbai was not only famous for her kindness, but she was also famous for her beauty. She was very beautiful! Many young men fell in love with her. One by one, they proposed her to be their wife. However, Tumbai always refused the marriage proposal. She was confused. So she prayed to God to give her guidance.
Finally she got the answer. In her dream, an old man asked her to marry a man who could change the well from fresh water into salt water. When she woke up, Tumbai was very confused.
She thought it was diffi cult for a man to change the fresh water into salt water. Fresh water did not have any taste. It was different from sea water which is salty.
When Tumbai told her mother about her dream, her mother was also confused. However, she knew that her daughter was very good and wouldnít lie to her. Her mother had a feeling, probably God was going to help t h e m from poverty.
Her mother then made an announcement that Tumbai would marry a man who could change the fresh water in the well into salt water. Everybody was laughing.
They thought Tumbai and her mother were crazy.
But it did not stop those young men to try. They really wanted to marry Tumbai.
So they all tried to change the fresh water into salt water. But they all failed.
One day a man came. He lived in the riverside of Barito River. He had supernatural
“Ma’am, I’m here to marry your daughter,” said the man to Emas, Tumbai’s
“Do you know the test?” asked Emas.
“I do. I will change the fresh water into salt water,” said the man.
The man then sat down next to the well. He was meditating and prayed to God. All the villagers were circling the man. They all were curious.
After a while, the man finished meditating. He stood up and asked the villagers to taste the water
from the well.
It worked! He succeeded in changing the water. Tumbai was happy. She fi nally found
her dream husband.
And her mother was right.
After the water was salty, the villagers were not poor anymore. They changed the salty water into salt. They sold it and they had money.
The salty water was fl owing from the well to the Kahayan
River. Until now people still taste the salty water in Kahayan River. They also think that the legend really happened. ***

The Legend of Nusa Island

Folklore from Central Kalimantan

A long time ago there was a man named Nusa, he was a farmer. He lived with his wife and his brother. Nusa and his brother were very diligent farmers.
Nusa and other farmers in the village were sad because the rain had not fallen for a very long time. Their rice fi elds were dried. They needed water.
Nusa then decided to ask his family to move to another place. After walking for three days, they finally arrived in a new place. It was very fertile. They had a lot of water because there was a river there.
After they arrived, Nusa looked for something to eat. Later he brought a very big egg. He asked his wife to cook the egg.
After it was cooked, he asked his wife and his brother to eat the egg. However, they refused to eat. They were not sure with the egg. It was very big, Nusa did not care because he was so hungry. After he ate, then he slept.
In the morning Nusa screamed in pain.
His wife and brother immediately came to him. They were surprised to see what happened to Nusa. His body was full of scales. His legs changed into a tail.
His body was getting bigger.
“What happened to me?”, He said. “Was it because of the egg I ate last night? Oh my God! Maybe it’s a dragon’s egg. Now I changed into a dragon?
Nusa then asked his wife and brother to move him to the river. He could not walk and move his body on the land.
Slowly they tried to pull Nusa’s body.
Finally they succeeded.
“Please forgive me, I cannot live with you anymore. I will live in this river, go home and tell people about me. Ask them to be careful with what they eat” said Nusa. Later Nusa disappeared into the river.
Nusa had completely changed into a dragon. He ate fi sh. All the fi sh were scared.
Nusa ate a lot of fi sh. The fi sh had to do something. They had to stop Nusa from eating them. They then held a meeting.
“I have an idea,” said a small fi sh. “Just be prepared to attack the dragon when I give you all the sign.”
The small fi sh then came to Nusa. He said, “Master, there is another dragon live in the river. The dragon is bigger and more powerful than you are. He challenges you to fight”, said the small fi sh to Nusa.
“Oh yeah, hmmm I’m the biggest dragon and the most powerful dragon. I will fi ght him!” said Nusa.
Days and nights Nusa was preparing the fight. He was always thinking about his enemy. He could not sleep. He was very tired. When Nusa was sleepy, the small fi sh screamed.
“Master! Your enemy was behind you!”
Nusa turned his big body very fast.
His tail was still in front of him. He thought his tail was his enemy.
He attacked and bit his own tail and he screamed. Suddenly the small fish said, “Attack!”
Than all the fi sh attacked Nusa.
They all bit Nusa’s body. Nusa tried to save his life. He swam to the river side. But it was too late. He was very weak. Finally he died.
His body slowly changed into an island. People then named the island as Nusa Island.
It’s located at Kahayan River, Central Kalimantan.

The Curse of King Mintin

Folklore from Central Kalimantan

A long time ago in Kahayan Hilir, Central Kalimantan, there was an island named Mintin. The people in the island lived peacefully. The king of the island, King Mintin, was wise. He loved his people very much.
However, soon the happiness was ended. The kingdom was mourning. The queen just passed away. The king was sad and decided to leave the palace and went to another island. He asked his twin sons, Naga and Buaya, to lead the kingdom while he was away.
At first, Naga and Buaya led the kingdom wisely.
They did their father’s advice to them. Unfortunately, it did not last long.
Naga and Buaya had different personalities. Naga was ignorant to the people and loved parties, while Buaya was very caring and loving to the people. Buaya then asked Naga to stop his bad habits.
Naga was angry. He asked Buaya not to disturb him. Buaya was also angry. He reminded Naga about their father’s advice.
“Father is not here! And you are not my father, why do I have listen to you?” said Naga.
Both of them were angry and could not control themselves.
They were fighting. The fighting was getting bigger and it changed into a civil war. It was because the soldiers were involved. The soldiers were divided into two parts.
Some of them supported Naga and the other soldiers supported Buaya.
The people of Mintin Island were suffering great pain. Because of the war, they could not live peacefully.
Some of them were very hungry and suffered from illnesses. Mintin Island was in chaos!
The king finally heard the war. He decided to go back to Mintin Island.
When he arrived, he immediately asked his twin sons to stop the war. The king was really angry.
“I’m very disappointed with you, sons.
I trusted you to take care of this kingdom. But you have failed. I don’t care who is right or wrong. Both of you will be punished!” said the king. He then continued.
“Buaya, I know you are a good son.
You are wise and love the people. But you cannot control your emotions.
Buaya, you have fewer mistakes than Naga. But I still have to punish you. I curse you into a crocodile. You can stay here in Mintin Island and your job is to take care of the people,” said the king.
He then talked to Naga. “You have more mistakes. So, the punishment is bigger. I curse you into a dragon. You are not allowed to stay here. Go away and live in other place!” asked the king.
Right after the king finished his last words, heavy storm attacked Mintin Island. Buaya and Naga slowly changed.Buaya became a crocodile and Naga became a dragon. ***

Sangi the Hunter

Folklore from Central Kalimantan

A long time ago in Central Kalimantan, a great hunter named Sangi lived. Every time he went to the jungle to go hunting, he brought a lot of animals home. Sangi lived with his family on a riverside.
As always, Sangi went to the jungle. He saw some footprints of a wild hog. He slowly followed the footprints. The footprints ended in a big tree. Sangi thought the hog was behind the tree. Slowly he walked around the tree then he was really amazed. He saw a big dragon was trying to swallow a wild hog. The hog was so big that the dragon could not swallow it easily.
After several times trying to swallow, finally the dragon gave up. Suddenly, the dragon looked at Sangi. He was really shocked! He wanted to run very fast. He thought the dragon would eat him alive.
Though Sangi had tried to run, his feet could not move at all. The dragon slowly came to him. Then they were face to face. When the dragon was exactly in front of him, it turned into smoke. When the smoke was gone, there was a handsome man.
He said, ''Eat that wild hog. This is your punishment for seeing me try to eat.''
''I can't. I am a human. I cannot eat a wild hog that big,'' said Sangi.
''Yes, you can. If you are a dragon, you can eat that hog,'' said the man.
Then Sangi changed into a dragon. After that, he ate the hog. Later, he changed back as a human.
''What happened to me? Why could I change as a dragon?'' said Sangi.
''It also happened to me years ago. I did what you did. I saw a dragon ate then the dragon made me a dragon. It is great to be like us. We are half dragon and half human. You can change to be a dragon or human anytime you like. Besides that, you can be forever young. I'm more than 100 years old but I still look young right?'' said the man.
He continued, ''There is one condition that you have to do. Don't tell anyone that you are a half dragon and half human. If you did, you could be a dragon forever and unable to change back as human,'' said the man. After that, he disappeared.
Since then, Sangi had two lives, one as a dragon and one as a human. He also looked young although he was really old. People always asked the secret, but he never told them why he could look young forever.
On his 150th birthday, people could not stand it anymore. More and more people asked him. Sangi gave up. He told them that he was actually half dragon and half human. People were laughing at him. They did not believe that.
''I am a dragon!'' screamed Sangi. He was upset because they did not believe him.
Right after Sangi finished saying that, his body was shaking. Slowly he changed as a dragon. People were scared. They were running away.
Sangi was really sad. He regretted for telling them his secret. He knew he could not live in the village with his family anymore. He went to the river and lived there. Since then, people named the river Sangi River. ***

Siuk Bimbim and Siuk Bambam

A Folktale from Central Kalimantan

Siuk Bimbim and Siuk Bambam are brothers. They are orphans. Their parents died when Siuk Bimbim was a baby. Siuk Bambam always takes care of his younger brother, Siuk Bimbim. They help each other and never quarrel.
It's the late afternoon. Siuk Bimbim and Siuk Bambam want to the dinner. "We don't have enough food. I have to go to the barn now," says Siuk Bambam.
"But, don't go too long. Please come back soon," says Siuk Bimbim.
"Don't worry. Lock the door and never open to anyone except me, OK?"
Siuk Bambam then leaves. Actually he wants to take his brother goes with him to the rice barn. But it's very far. He doesn't want his younger brother to be tired.
Besides that, he can go there faster by walking quikly.
Meanwhile, Siuk Bimbim is sleeping. He is very tired. Suddenly, he wakes up. He hears someone knocks the door. The sound is very loud. Siuk Bimbim is very scared. When he looks outside through a window, he sees a giant the front of the door. He is shocked. The giant then breaks the door and enters the house. Siuk Bimbim then runs. He runs and runs until he gets very tired. He feels he cannot stand up anymore. Then he is fainted.
After a while, Siuk Bambam comes home from the rice barn. He is shocked when he sees the house is in a mess. He is calling his brother, "Siuk Bimbim, whre are you?" No one answers Siuk Bambam gets more shocked when he sees some footprints. They are not his brother's footprints. They are the giant's footprints!
Siuk Bambam gets much panicked. He looks for his brother everywhere.
Suddenly he sees his brother under the tree. Siuk Bimbim is unconscious. Siuk Bambam then takes him to a well. It's a magic well. It can cure any disease. He gives some water to his youger brother. Ater a while, Siuk Bimbim cured. Siuk Bimbim is very happy. He hugs his younger brother and takes him home. ***

The Calf and the Crocodile

A Folktale from Central Kalimantan

A Calf wants to play outside his house. "Mom, can I play outside?"
"OK. But don't play near the river. A crocodile lives there. Ho will eat you if he is hungry," says mother cow.
The calf then goes outside. He doesn't realize now he is near the river.
Suddenly he hears an animal asking for help. He sees a crocodile pinned down a big trunk of a tree. He cannot move. He asks the calf to remove the trunk.
"Help me. It really hurts me. Please remove the trunk," the crocodile is crying.
The calf then removes the trunk. After the crocodile is free, suddenly he bites the calf's leg.
"Hey, what are you doing Mr. Crocodile?" the calf is very shocked.
Thanks for your help, now you have to help me becoming my lunch. I'm really hungry," says the crocodile. He is still biting the calf's leg.
The calf is very sad, now he remembers his mother advice, not to play around the river. Suddenly, a monkey passes by. He asked what happens to them.
"The crocodile is bad to me. I already helped him but now, he wants to eat me," explain the calf to the monkey.
"Is it true? Well I cannot say if the crocodile is bad or not. I didn't see the accident. Now can you repeat your help?" asked the monkey. He has a plan to help the calf.
The crocodile then opens his mouth. The calf and the monkey put the big trunk of the tree to crocodile's body.
And then the monkey whispers to the calf, "Now run! That stupid crocodile cannot eat you!"
"Thank you, Mr. Monkey. You are very clever. I always remember your help!"
The calf then runs as fast as he can. And the crocodile regrets his stupidity. ***

A Buffalo and a Monkey

A Buffalo and a Monkey
Folklore from Central Kalimantan

IT was a very hot day. A monkey was walking by the riverside. He was very thirsty and hungry. He took some water and drank it. He was very happy. Then, he saw some banana trees. But they were across the river. The monkey could not swim so he was thinking very hard. Suddenly, "Aha!" said the monkey. He had an idea. Not far from him, a buffalo was drinking some water in the river. He came closer to the buffalo and told him his plan. "Hello, Mr Buffalo. Are you hungry?" "Yes, I am. I really want to eat some grass," said the buffalo. "I know a place where you can eat a lot of grass. It is across the river." "I know that place. It's a field. A farmer owns it. He will be angry if I eat the grass on his field," said the buffalo. "You are right. He is angry if he sees you eating the grass. If he does not see you, he won't be angry, right?" the monkey kept on persuading the buffalo. "Come on! Let's go now. We just have to be quiet and do not make noise," said the monkey. Actually, he wanted to trick the buffalo. He wanted to sit on the buffalo's back while they were crossing the river. "Ok then. But promise you won't be noisy," said the buffalo. The monkey immediately jumped to the buffalo's back. The buffalo's body was big. He did not have problem in crossing the river. After a while, they arrived at the farmer's field. Both of them immediately ate. "Mr Buffalo, I'm already full. Let's go back," said the monkey. "But I'm not full yet. Wait for a moment." The monkey was impatient. He was thinking how he could ask the buffalo to go back across the river. Then he had an idea. He made a lot of noise. It was very loud! The farmer heard the noise and he approached them. When he saw two animals were eating on his field, the farmer threw some stones. One big stone hit the buffalo's head. The buffalo's cried in pain. He immediately ran to the river. The monkey followed him and jumped on the buffalo's back. "Why did you make a lot of noise? You promised to keep quiet!" said the buffalo while they were crossing the river. "Now, I want to take a bath here. I want to clean up my wound." "But I cannot swim. If you take a bath here, I will be drawn," the monkey was panic."I don't care. You made me bleeding." The buffalo then rolled over his body. The monkey had to hold very tight. He was very scared. After the buffalo finished taking bath, then he crossed back to the riverside. The monkey was very wet. He was very weak and frightened. He apologized to the buffalo. And he promised not to do it again. (*)

The Lazy Uder

The Lazy Uder
Folklore from Central Kalimantan

He always woke up in the afternoon. Then he went fishing on the river until evening. Uder never helped his wife. That’s why she always worked alone in the field. She never gave up giving him advice. But, Uder never listened to his wife. On one afternoon, Uder went fishing. He took some worms as bait. On the way to the river, he met his neighbor. “Hey Uder, where are you going?” “I’m going fishing,” said Uder. “What do you have for the bait?” “Some worms,” answered Uder. Then he continued walking. Then he met another neighbour. Again, the neighbour asked where Uder was going and what he had for the bait. Uder answered. After that, he met another neighbour. He also asked the same question. Uder was tired of answering. He was upset. So he decided to ignore everyone. While he was walking very fast, he met a group of monkeys. They could talk like humans. “Hey Uder, are you going fishing?” asked one of the monkeys. “Yes, I am.” “What do you have for the bait?” Uder was still upset with all those same questions. This time he could not take it anymore. “I’m going to use your mother for the bait!” said Uder. “Hey! Don’t make fun with my mother!” Those monkeys were angry. They took Uder. Then they tied him in a big tree. “ Please forgive me. I did not mean to make fun with your mother. I was just upset with all those questions my neighbours had asked me?” explained Uder. “Okay, we forgive you. We will free you, if you can tell us a place where we can eat fruits. We are hungry.” “Go across the river. There you can see a very big rambutan tree. You can eat those rambutans until all of you are full.” Then the monkeys freed him. Uder then ran as fast as he could. After he arrived home, he apologized to his wife and promised to be a good husband. ***

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