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» » Folklore From Baten

Prince Pande Gelang and Princess Cadasari

Folklore From Baten

ONCE upon a time there was a kingdom of Banten. The king had a beautiful daughter. her name was Princess Cadasari. She was very beautiful and kind to people.
However, she was very sad lately. A prince from another kingdom came and planned to marry her. His name was prince Cunihin. People did not like him. he was arrogant and mean to people. He had supernatural power. Prince Cunihin talked to the king about the marriage. The king accepted the proposal. He was afraid that Prince Cunihin would attack the kingdom if the proposal was refused.
The marriage was set. Princess Cadasari was sad. She did not have any choice. She prayed to god. And in one night she had a dream. She was in the park and a handsome man would help her.
On the following day, Princess Cadasari went to the park and waited the handsome man. While she was there suddenly an old man came to her.
"What's the matter Princess? You look very sad," asked the old man.
"I have a great problem. And I'm waiting for someone to help me."
"Maybe I can help you."
The princess was hesitant. In a dream, a handsome man would help her, but then it was an old man who offered to help her. She decided to talk about the problem to him. His name was Pande Gelang. Pande means maker and gelang means a bracelet. He made bracelets to make a living.
"Don't worry princess, I can help you. Just tell prince Cunihin to find a big stone and just ask him to make a big hole in the stone. I will put my giant bracelet inside the stone, after that ask him to go through the bracelet. He will lose his supernatural power then"
Princess Cadasari did it. She asked Prince Cunihin to find a big stone. And make a big hole in it. Prince Cunihin did not have any problem to make the hole. And after he did it, he put the stone in the park. It was the place where the wedding party would be held. And secretly, Pande Gelang put the giant bracelet inside the stone.
On the wedding day, people were gathered in the park. Before the ceremony was started, Princess Cadasari asked Prince Cunihin to go through the stone. Although he didnot understand, Prince Cunihin still did the request.
Prince Cunihin was ready to go through the stone and the princess was waiting on the other side. And when he walked through the stone, Princess Cunihin screamed in pain. He was screaming and finally falling down on the ground. And when he got up, he saw Pande Gelang in front of him.
"You did this to me..." said Prince Cunihin.
Amazingly, Prince Cunihin slowly changed into an old man and Pande Gelang changed into a handsome man.
Pande Gelang then explained to princess Cadasari. He was a prince. Previously, Prince Pande Gelang and Prince Cunihin were best friend. They both were students from a great teacher. But after they finished the lesson, Prince Cunihin killed the teacher and stole Prince Pande Gelang's power. He would get his power back if Prince Cunihin would go throuh his bracelet.
Princess Cadasari was very happy. She then remembered her dream. It was true that a handsome man would help her. Since then, Prince Pande Gelang stayed in the palace. He helped the kingdom from bad people. Later Prince Pande Gelang and Princess Cadasari got married. The people were very happy. They were very grateful. They also named the palace as Pande Gelang. It is known now as Pandeglang.***

Panji Kelaras

Folklore from Banten

ONCE upon a time, there was a king. he is very rich and had great power. However he was not happy. His only child, the prince, was not a good son. The prince had bad attitudes.
He liked to do cockfighting and gambling. Every time the prince had cock fighting. He also ignored his father's advice. Until one day, the king could not hold it anymore. He asked the prince to leave the palace and lived in the jungle. The prince knew it was his punishment. So he left the palace and went to the jungle. He had never been to the jungle before. He was very confused. He did not know where to stay.
While he was busy looking for a place to stay, he found a hut. He was so happy. He immediately knock the door, then a beautiful girl opened the door. She was an orphan. Her parents just died and now she lived alone. The prince fell in love with her. He asked her to marry him. The girl agreed and later they got married. The prince and his wife had a happy life. They got happier when the wife was pregnant.
The prince worked harder. He wanted to give the best to his baby. When the prince was working in the field, he heard that his father, the king, died. And now there was no king in the palace. The prince rushed to the palace. When his wife asked to join him, the prince forbade her. The wife was sad. She was pregnant and she was alone in the jungle. While she was sitting for the husband, and eagle flew above her. The eagle dropped an egg. It was a chicken egg. She keep the egg. And when she delivered a baby son, the egg also hatched.
She named her son Panji Kelaras. While she was working, Panji Kelaras always played with his chick, which soon grew as a cock. Meanwhile, Panji Kelaras father now was the king. However, the king did his bad behaviour again.
He liked to do cock fighting. The king's cock always won the fighting. He was not satisfied, he made a competition of cockfighting and the prize was a bag of gold. Many people brought their cocks and fought them with the king's cock. No cock should beat the king's cock. Panji Kelaras heard about the competition. He asked his mother's permission to go the palace. She gave him her blessing. She let her son go to the palace because she wanted him to meet his father, the king. When Panji Kelaras arrived at the palace he immediately gave his cock to the soldiers.
Soon, the kocks were fighting. Finally, Panji Kelaras cock won the fighting. He was so happy. The king kept his promise. He gave Panji Kelaras a bag of gold. When Panji Kelaras left the palace, the king secretly follow him. The king was surprised when Panji Kelaras went to the hut he used to stay with his wife. And he was more surprised when he saw his wife hugged Panji Kelaras. "
Who is he?" asked the king. He was jealous.
"He is you son. Where were you? I was waiting for you for long time but you never came back," said his wife.
The king regretted his mistake. He apologized to his wife and to his son. Later the king asked them to stay in the palace. And when the king died, Panji Kelaras became the king. He led the kingdom wisely.***

The Legend of Pinang Mountain

Folklore from Banten

ONCE upon a time in Banten, there lived a poor fisherman. His name was Dampu Awang. He lived with his mother. Dampu always worked hard. He wanted to be a rich man. However, he only had a small boat. And he also did not have big net just like his friends. That was why he could not catch a lot of fish and did not have much money.
Dampu heard that there was a rich merchant coming to his village. The merchant had a big ship. He always sailed in the sea. He bough and sold things in the places he visited. Dampu wanted to work for him. He did not want to be a merchant.
Dampu Awang had made up his mind. He was tired of being a poor man. He really wanted to be rich. His mother could not do anything. She finally let him go.
Dampu met the merchant. He told him that he wanted to work for him.
"Okay, I will let you join me. But you have to work hard. If you want to be rich merchant like me, you have to pay attention to what I'm doing," said the merchant.
Dampu Awang was extremely happy. He already imagined that he would be a rich man.
Since he join the merchant's ship. Dampu always worked hard. Slowly the merchant trusted him. He asked Dampu to buy and sell the merchant's thing. Dampu did the assignment very well. He started to make a lot of money.
The merchant was happy. He knew that Dampu could be a great merchant. He was old and wanted Dampu to marry his daughter. Dampu agreed. By marrying the merchant daughter, he could become a rich man. He would have a big ship and sail to many places.
Meanwhile, Dampu's mother heard that her son had become a rich man. She also heard that he was already married and had a big ship. Everyday she prayed to God. She hoped that Dampu would come home soon.
God answered her prayer. Dampu and his wife arrived at the village. Many people greeted Dampu. They all praised him.
Dampu's mother tried to meet Dampu.
She mentioned Dampu's name loudly. She finally came closer to Dampu.
"Dampu...Dampu... It's me, your mother."
Sadly he ignored her. Dampu was so ashamed of his mother. She was old and her cloth was worn-out. She was also dirty.
"Guards! Ask that old woman to go away. She is not my mother. my mother was a rich woman and she already died," said Dampu to his guards.
The guards pushed Dampu's mother away. She was so sad. She prayed to God.
"If he is not my son, let him sail safely. But if he is my son, punish him."
God again answered her prayer. When Dampu sailed in the sea, great storm attacked his ship. Rain and thunder attacked the ship. Dampu realize his mistake but it was to late. The ship was slowly sinking and it finally submerged.
The ship slowly changed into a mountain. People named it Pinang Mountain.***

The Legend of Tanjung Lesung

Folklore from Banten

THERE was a handsome traveler, his name was Raden Budog. He was resting under a big tree and soon he fell asleep. He had a dream. In his dream, he met a very beautiful woman. The woman was standing in front him. Raden Budog tried to touch her. Suddenly, a twig of the tree fell down and hit him. And that made him wake up from his sleep. He was upset!
Raden Budog could not forget that woman, he wanted to meet her. He traveled days and nights and never stopped to rest. And finally he arrived in a village. All of the villagers were farmers. Some girls were pounding rice in a mortar. The people called the mortar as lesung. They were busy pounding and the sound they made was like a harmony. The girls pounded the rice everyday, except Friday. Friday was a holy day for them, because it was time to pray to God.
Raden Budog enjoyed the sound. He was looking at all the girls one by one.
And suddenly, Aha! He saw the girl he met in his dream.
Raden Budog was very happy. He came closer to the girls. All the girls were afraid and they all went home. Raden Budog followed the beautiful girl.
And when the beautiful girl arrived home, Raden Budog knocked the door.
An old woman opened the door.
“Who are you, young man,” asked the woman.
“My name is Raden Budog. May I spend the night in your house? I’m a traveler and I don’t have a place to stay,” said Raden Budog. He was trying to find an excuse to stay in the house.
“My name is Nyi Siti and I live with my daughter. Her name is Sri Poh Haci. My husband passed away. If you want to spend the night here, you can sleep in the terrace. I’m so sorry, I don’t allow men to stay in my house,” said Nyi Siti.
In the morning, Sri Poh Haci woke him up.
She also gave him a glass of coffee. Raden Budog was extremely happy. He then tried to find a way how he could stay in the village and got married with her. Later, he told Nyi Siti that he would help her in the rice field. Nyi Siti agreed.
Days passed by and later Sri Poh Haci also fell in love with him. Then they got married.
Raden Budog still worked in the rice field and Sri Poh Haci also continued to pound the rice in the lesung. One day Raden Budog wanted to pound the rice. He also wanted to make the good sound. However it was Friday, and he forgot that pounding rice in the lesung was not allowed on Fridays. And when he was busy making the sound, the villagers screamed.
“Hey, look! A monkey is pounding the rice!”
Slowly the villagers came closer to Raden Budog. He did not notice that all the villagers were looking at him, until one man yelled at him. “Hey, monkey! Stop it! It is Friday!”
Raden Budog did not understand why the villagers called him monkey. And when he looked at his body, he was surprised! His body was full of hair. He even had a tail. He had changed into a monkey! Raden Budog was so ashamed. He ran away to the jungle.
Since then people named the village as Lesung Village or Kampung Lesung.
And since the village is located in a cape, people then named the village as Lesung Cape or Tanjung Lesung.***

Nyi Banjarsari

Nyi Banjarsari
Folklore from Banten

IT was a rainy season. The villagers were happy, most of them were farmers. Rain would water their rice field and soon they would harvest their rice. Pak Bong was one of the farmers. He was also very happy. He wanted to buy some clothes for himself, his wife, and his beloved daughter, Nyi Banjarsari. She was a very beautiful girl. Her parents loved her because she was very obedient. One night, Pak Bong had a terrible dream. An old man came to him and said the rain would never stop. There would be a great flood. At first Pak Bong thought it was just a dream but he had the same dream in the following nights. He decided to tell all the villagers about his dream and asked them to evacuate on a hill not far from their village. "Ha ha ha? You are joking, Pak Bong. How can we leave our rice field? We are going to have great harvest, remember?" Everybody was laughing at Pak Bong. Pak Bong did not give up. He kept on asking the villagers to evacuate to the hill. Finally some villagers believed him. Together with his wife, and his daughter Nyi Banjarsari, Pak Bong and his friends went to the hill. In the meantime, heavy rain fell days and nights. It continued until water entered the houses. The villagers were sorry they did not listen to Pak Bong and ignored his advice. Soon, the village was drowned! Pak Bong and his friends could not do anything. They were sad because their village was under water. Then they prayed to God. They asked God how the water dried up from their village. The answer came in Pak Bong's dream. In his dream, the same old man told him how to save their village. "If you want the water to dry up, you have to sacrifice your daughter. She has to jump into the water!" said the old man. Pak Bong was very sad. He then told his family about his dream. His wife did not agree at all. She did not want to lose her lovely daughter. "That's OK, Mother. If this is the only way to save our village, I would jump into the water," said Nyi Banjarsari. Her parents could not say anything. They could not prevent their daughter from jumping into the water. Slowly, water dried up. Pak Bong and his friends then returned to their village. They built their houses and had their lives back. To show their thankfulness and gratefulness to Nyi Banjarsari, the villagers named their village into Banjarsari.(*)

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